British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 847

Quote: Marc P @ May 31 2012, 2:25 PM BST

Not really no Rwayne. Zoo asked a genuine question so I answered it for her. For all I know you were off to prepare this evening's pub quiz. Unless there was some hidden meaning in your post .. it seemed fairly straightforward to me. That's the fun of this forum we can all chip in and have a healthy debate on matters.


Wodered how long. :)


Wodered how long. :)

'For all you know'...indeed.

Perhaps your post might make more sense, though, if Zooo had actually asked a question... but she didn't did she? Not only do you choose to answer questions that aren't asked of you but you invent the question in the first place!

I'm not sure 'pompous' is strong enough ;)

I read the news today and none of this was in there.

Well like you said Rwayne, words aren't your strong point. Keep at it though.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 31 2012, 2:33 PM BST

I read the news today and none of this was in there.

Rubbish there's a Hunt on the news right now.

He's okay STT, I don;t mind a bit of cattiness.

Quote: Marc P @ May 31 2012, 2:34 PM BST

Well like you said Rwayne, words aren't your strong point. Keep at it though.

Excellent...another Marc quote. If it's not there make it up. Maybe you need to give your wonderful imagination a little rest? If you make up things that people you don't know 'say'... it's time to go out of your front door!

Quote: rwayne @ May 31 2012, 2:38 PM BST

Excellent...another Marc quote. If it's not there make it up. Maybe you need to give your wonderful imagination a little rest? If you make up things that people you don't know 'say'... it's time to go out of your front door!

I will a bit later on. I thought it was you who said something along the lines of you could express yourself better in a five minute phone call than you could in a thousand posts or so? Maybe that was someone else, but it does show a little lack of confidence in the written word as a means of communication if it was. I make up things people, I don't know, say for a living so just put it down to an occupational hazard if you like.

And yes STT, probably comes from my days as a stand up magician! Not a good one mind. :)

Quote: Marc P @ May 31 2012, 2:44 PM BST

I will a bit later on. I thought it was you who said something along the lines of you could express yourself better in a five minute phone call than you could in a thousand posts or so? Maybe that was someone else, but it does show a little lack of confidence in the written word as a means of communication if it was. I make up things people, I don't know, say for a living so just put it down to an occupational hazard if you like.

And yes STT, probably comes from my days as a stand up magician! Not a good one mind. :)

Well, that isn't what I said (maybe re-read it)

It's no lack of confidence in the written word, just the contrary, it's of course very powerful...or can be. Though most writing that moves someone is not just spewed out is it? It takes work, writing and re-writing. I'm sure you aren't the kind of man to write the first thing that comes into your head and send it and expect to be paid for it.

So, again, I maintain that you don't learn too much from things that are written
in any instant.

Got to be a contender for this year's Darwin awards.

Oops. God has certainly told him.

Quote: rwayne @ May 31 2012, 2:51 PM BST

So, again, I maintain that you don't learn too much from things that are written
in any instant.

An odd view, but maintain away!

Quote: zooo @ May 31 2012, 3:00 PM BST

Oops. God has certainly told him.

Very odd.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 31 2012, 3:01 PM BST

An odd view, but maintain away!

Thank you for your permission, it's a relief to have it.

Quote: rwayne @ May 31 2012, 3:03 PM BST

Thank you for your permission, it's a relief to have it.

New BCG King Of Sarcasm is crowned!

Cor blimey, you lot do go on about nothing. Can we please get back to talking about dead kids and the certain guilt of their work shy scumbag parents please?

According to my Mum - an expert on all things to do with criminality because she watches all that Silent Prime Witness Suspect crap - the Pillpots are to blame for the death of their kiddy widdys because and I quote:

'Did you notice during the press conferance, the mother wasn't crying properly. She was making the face but no tears came out.'

With that kind of evidence, it's an open and shut case.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ May 31 2012, 3:15 PM BST

'Did you notice during the press conferance, the mother wasn't crying properly. She was making the face but no tears came out.'

With that kind of evidence, it's an open and shut case.

You say that, but the same sort of inappropriate facial messages came from Karen Matthews and her pet idiot-man whenever they were on telly. What's more, I believe there are body-language experts who can make make informed guesses about what's going on inside these people's heads, which can help the police.

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