British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 843

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ May 30 2012, 8:29 PM BST

A 53% increase cannot be ignored unless you want to believe that women are now 53% more confident about reporting the crime then they were this time last year.

I'm afraid for the second time I have to engage with you on this issue. As I pointed out earlier, the BBC article (which you quoted as your legitimate source of information) gave legitimate expert opinion on contributory factors for an increase in reported rape (which you selected to ignore, probably because you think it's part of some liberal agenda); and the same article said the 53% increase was over 4 years (I think, from memory). However, your memory now says it was a comparison with "this time last year" and presents this as fact. I think my dodgy memory beats yours.

Sootyj has you bang to rights.

Good night.

Incidentally part one: what level of increase in confidence in reporting rape do you think a civilised society should try to achieve? I doubt you think it should be a reduction. 0% a year seems pretty shit. 5% annually is still a bit low. Maybe 10 or 15% per year?

Incidentally part two: how much does 53% equate to as an annual increase over four years?

Answer: just over 11% per year.

You are correct, it was over four years and not one year. So apologies for that. Still, it is a massive increase in rapes year on year and if anything, the number of reported rapes should have fallen based on our more enlightened and liberal leaning culture where women are much more respected, especially in London.

From the article -

A Metropolitan Police spokesman claimed the rise was due to victims feeling more confident about coming forward.

He said: "We believe this rise in recorded crimes is partly due to an increase in victims coming forward to report rape and sexual assaults."

These are very ambiguous words that provide no concrete evidence for the rise in rapes in the London region. Unfortunately, it is only the tip of the iceberg as most rapes go unreported to the police and London has a disproportionally low rape conviction rate.

What is a statistical fact is that immigration levels have increased -

and that the largest number of people leaving the country are going to Australia and America - which in the main are white British people.

More people have entered London, rapes have increased, the vast majority of people who have entered London are immigrants. The evidence is purely anecdotal and I offer no concrete proof, which I've stated from the start.

The police do not freely release crime statistics involving race and ethnicity and the only way to obtain such information is through a Freedom of Information Act request. As the police do not release these statistics willingly arouses my suspicion that political forces are at work, hence my accusation that something is wrong and that the link between immigration and rape has to be investigated.

Quote: Badge @ May 31 2012, 12:40 AM BST

Incidentally part two: how much does 53% equate to as an annual increase over four years?

Answer: just over 11% per year.

Surely it's a 12% increase year on year?

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ May 31 2012, 1:48 AM BST

What is a statistical fact is that immigration levels have increased -


Over the period which relates to the increase in reported rapes, the levels have stayed about the same.

Here's a bit of good news to help lift your spirits in these recessionary times. Premier League clubs are now spending 70% of their earnings on players' wages -

Arsenal are pretty low on the list compared to Chelsea, Man City, Man U, etc., yet we finished above both Chelsea and Liverpool this season. We're also one of the few big clubs to actually come away with pre-tax profits this season.

isnt salary the biggest outgoing for most businesses

Probably been discussed to death >_< but OH MY GOD.

What sick f**ks. And I am going to use the c word here... pair of CUNTS!

Quote: L.E. @ May 31 2012, 12:08 PM BST

Probably been discussed to death >_< but OH MY GOD.

What sick f**ks. And I am going to use the c word here... pair of CUNTS!

They've returned a verdict already?!... must be the quickest murder trial in history.

I'm judging before a verdict is drawn... tis my way!

As long as you're not on the jury? ;)

Quote: L.E. @ May 31 2012, 12:27 PM BST

I'm judging before a verdict is drawn... tis my way!

Then your link to the Daily Mail is very apt!

Maybe the two of you should have a wager.

He wore a vest to court.


Quote: Marc P @ May 31 2012, 12:33 PM BST

Maybe the two of you should have a wager.

Maybe having wagers on the outcome of the murder trial following the death of six children might be... well, vile.

Quote: zooo @ May 31 2012, 12:28 PM BST

As long as you're not on the jury? ;)

Or am I?

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