A new cat show but with a peep show aspect, hopefully channel 4 or someone with some balls from the BBC could take this up...
Find 3 - 4 cats and capture any motion that takes place after 400 hours of mainly sleeping and crapping, the odd wondering around the streets with a voice over,,,
Ugh my morning piss, the same lampost as yesterday, maybe I should start trying behind that shed, I heard it's got some nice comfy grass.
another cat may be portrayed as upperclass performing tricks, anyway take all the material get someone to say something funny about what the cat is thinking and air episode - cheap no?.. a cat motion cam avtivated...
neighbors cats fighting, the pussy is out, that bitch if she comes near me again I swear I'll rip that dog's fur off..
so combine our two favourite things, cats and comedy, cattatic or catastriphic....