Cat paws I think are the very most cutest thing in the whooole world.
Status report Page 4,486
Quote: Chappers @ May 28 2012, 11:03 PM BSTWhat period Elvis?
Quote: zooo @ May 28 2012, 11:49 PM BSTCat paws I think are the very most cutest thing in the whooole world.
Yeah remember that when Mittens turns on you and claws your eyes out.
They only do that to horrible people, not nice people like me and Oldrocker.
Quote: zooo @ May 29 2012, 12:09 AM BSTThey only do that to horrible people, not nice people like me and Oldrocker.
They know. Believe me, they know.
They are cats after all . . . . . .
Quote: Loopey @ May 28 2012, 6:32 PM BSTWas in queue waiting to pass this today - thank goodness no-one seriously hurt.
Was it dreadful or did it get sorted reasonably quickly? There was someone under tube at Oxford Street today and it dragged on and on and on
Quote: zooo @ May 28 2012, 11:18 PM BSTI assumed they were references to one of your old fogey bands.
I wroted about this song and band on this very thread (probably) not too long ago (probably)
AJGO has been playing pool and now looks like she's murdered a smurf
I've returned home from 4 days of fun with 45 neighbors on the river, eating too much food, locating dinosaur footprints, fixing flat tires, floating in the river, re-wiring barns, driving pickup trucks, fishing, driving 4-wheelers, mowing hay fields, eating biscuits & gravy, drinking beer, sleeping in tents, watching dung beetles, throwing washers, making tacos, canoeing, saving drowning dogs, erecting tents, shooting rifles, meeting new people and swinging from 200-year-old pecan trees.
Life is good.
Da butt that would kill ruddy me!!
Quote: AJGO @ May 29 2012, 1:13 AM BSTEek!
Was it dreadful or did it get sorted reasonably quickly?
We didn't wait too long, only an hour or so, but my 9 year old nephew who was on a different nearby road was stuck on the school bus pretty much all day. The road was still closed last night, haven't heard anything this morn.
Quote: DaButt @ May 29 2012, 5:42 AM BSTthrowing washers
saving drowning dogs
Aw! What happened there?
Morning all. Whos making tea?
Bad start to today..two flat tyres on the school run so had to turn back and get them a cab, then get the RAC out, escorted to the garage to shell out £70 for a new tyre and not being paid till 31st...bother. Good thing it happened this morning though as I have to drive to Coventry to see Coldplay this evening...yay.
Nice calm down! I'm not telling my shit.
Quote: dellas @ May 29 2012, 11:49 AM BST
I'm not telling my shit.
You talk to your shit?
Good one pops out every day! (on here)