British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 832

Recorded rape is up 53% in London!!! That is an unbelieveable figure and probably doesn't even reflect the real numbers as some victims never come forward and report the crime.

The official line is: "We believe this rise in recorded crimes is partly due to an increase in victims coming forwards to report rape and sexual assaults."

The unofficial line is that net immigration is over 250,000 this last year. But no one wants to talk about the huge numbers of foreigns coming to London and the sudden increases in rape over the last few years.


Yes Renegade they come over here and steal your job eh?

What happened to the cheery Cockney rapist eh?

"Gor Blimey Guvnor I'm ere to ave some none consensual hows your father with your missus and no mistake!2

Quote: sootyj @ May 25 2012, 11:30 AM BST

What happened to the cheery Cockney rapist eh?

There aren't any Cockneys anymore, everyone talks with that stupid street language, you get me, bruv.

If you come from a third world shithole where women are treated as worthless and rape is commonplace, then why change a habit of a life time when you are in London Town? Besides, English white women are dirty whores with no morals who dress in a provocative way and were asking for it.

But thanks to the overly sensitive PC nature of a link between immigration and rape and a blanket refusal to even discuss the matter, many thousands of women will be raped again next year. Well done liberals!

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ May 25 2012, 11:54 AM BST

Well done liberals!

All of them? I also think you're saying well done in a sarcastic way.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 25 2012, 12:45 PM BST

All of them? I also think you're saying well done in a sarcastic way.

Yes, it was very sarcastic. So if we can do that liberal thing of attacking me and not addressing the issue at hand because it is uncomfortable, then that would be fantastic too.


Watching the historic docking of SpaceX's privately built Dragon capsule and the International Space Station. Status updates and live video here:

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ May 25 2012, 12:52 PM BST

Yes, it was very sarcastic. So if we can do that liberal thing of attacking me and not addressing the issue at hand because it is uncomfortable, then that would be fantastic too.


It's not uncomfortable if it's actually true, it would just be a fact. I have no idea if it is true or not.

Thus far it is a Renegade hunch.

Therefore, fact. ;)

Quote: DaButt @ May 25 2012, 1:03 PM BST

Watching the historic docking of SpaceX's privately built Dragon capsule and the International Space Station. Status updates and live video here:

They are currently showing something that looks like a C64 game.

Quote: zooo @ May 25 2012, 1:14 PM BST

They are currently showing something that looks like a C64 game.

I think it's a view of the docking approach system from within the ISS.

Ooh just saw a shot of the proper thingy in space. Fun.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ May 25 2012, 12:52 PM BST

Yes, it was very sarcastic. So if we can do that liberal thing of attacking me and not addressing the issue at hand because it is uncomfortable, then that would be fantastic too.


OK. Let's start with the figures. You haven't actually provided all the stats; immigration did actually happen before the time you quoted, didn't it,so what was the level back then? Because unless there's been a very sudden massive increase, then your speculation has no basis.

And that's even before we get to 'correlation does not imply causation'.

Quote: zooo @ May 25 2012, 1:14 PM BST

Thus far it is a Renegade hunch.

Therefore, fact. ;)

Far more than a hunch, in fact. Jack Straw got immense flack from the liberals last year for speaking out against the culture which allows Asian muslim young men to pick on vulnerable white girls and use them for sex. Just a month ago, several Asian muslim men were jailed for repeadedly doing it. It is a massive and growing problem, created almost entirely by the fault of a rank bad rotten religion and culture.

Islam should be outlawed or severly told what it can and can't do here, in a civilised country. The PC nutcases on councils and fringe societies should understand it's time to admit they are confused about it all, get real, and stop standing up for female abusing hypocitical criminals, simply because they're an ethnic minority.

Quote: Nogget @ May 25 2012, 1:30 PM BST

OK. Let's start with the figures.

Does the UK keep such statistics?

Quote: DaButt @ May 25 2012, 1:41 PM BST

Does the UK keep such statistics?

I would have thought so.

I did a quick Google but couldn't find anything. That's not to say that they aren't out there somewhere.

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