Here is a recent photo of him.

Here is a recent photo of him.
Quote: AJGO @ May 23 2012, 7:39 PM BSTThen how do they take off and land, and go a bit quicker in the air when everyone's asleep and not looking out the windows to notice?
Shouldn't that question be in the women's thread ?
Quote: zooo @ May 23 2012, 9:06 PM BSTHere is a recent photo of him.
You and your seamen pictures, zooo.
Quote: Will Cam @ May 21 2012, 11:08 PM BSTAs well as dossing about today I went to the doctors to try and sort out a chest infection I have had for about 6 weeks (previous antibiotics about 3 weeks ago not sorting it out). He put me on a different antibiotic as well as a 5 day course of steroids (30 mg all in one go each morning). I apologise in advance if I upset anyone through roid-rage
Anyone ever been on this steroid malarky? Am feeling quite strange. My resting heart rate has increased from around 65-75 bpm to about 115 bpm so I have taken today and tomorrow of sick.
Quote: Will Cam @ May 23 2012, 10:11 PM BSTAnyone ever been on this steroid malarky? Am feeling quite strange. My resting heart rate has increased from around 65-75 bpm to about 115 bpm so I have taken today and tomorrow of sick.
Sounds sensible good luck and good health mate
I need my muse.
Cheers Soot.
Although I see us more as Gilbert and George
The good thing is my chest is actually feeling better.
The property appraisers came out and measured my house a few weeks ago and when the annual appraisal came out I found that they'd increased the size of my house by 350 square feet, adding about $15,000 to the value and another $300 per year in property tax. I figured they'd measured incorrectly, so I just used a laser measuring device and my calculations show that the bastards were right. I always thought the place was 2535 square feet but it looks like it's actually 2885 square feet. (Google says that's about 268 square meters for you metrics out there.)
I don't relish the thought of paying more taxes but I guess it'll work out in my favor when it comes time to sell the house.
Quote: sootyj @ May 23 2012, 7:18 PM BSTGetting a bit tired of the old dyspraxia. It's such an odd disability. Probably the most noticable bit is the screwy short term memory. Basically I can process short, quick information very swiftly. But anything more complex and I find myself reading and rereading stuff and the information not going in.
It's been my bane at work and has really put me off going for any sort of promotion in years. I just know I'll get caught out.
So of late I've been going for on line writing jobs. And after building my rep on elance by doing lots of "1000 funny captions for $150" and "50 jokes for $100" find myself invited to try out for a much more interesting job writing ap content. I get the email with the task on it.
Read it, reread it. It's not going in. Shit.Thanks for bearing with me.
Does it make a difference what time of day you read it? i.e. Would it help to read it first thing in the morning?
Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ May 23 2012, 10:49 PM BSTAngryyyy.
What's wrong, hen? What bastard has irritated you?
The bastard who pretended, in broad daylight at a tube station, to slap me around the face when I didn't answer his question/make eye contact when he put his face into mine.
Did you consider kneeing him in the balls? Though maybe not a good idea since he sounds mad.
I thought he might have actually slapped me. And I had headphones in at first so maybe he objected that I didn't pop them out as he approached and beg his forgiveness for my insolence.
What an utter freak.
A bloke on the tube once picked me up from behind and moved me out of his way when we were getting on an escalator (I was on the correct side).
People are horrible weirdos.
Why on earth did he approach you in the first place and did nobody help?