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:) Dose up with wine /beer chillax in garden reading or listening to music- please relax out :} ... x

Quote: zooo @ May 21 2012, 8:43 AM BST

Ooh, go for it then!

But then I will feel guilty?

Oh, the decisions of a 21st century middle-aged man!!

;) You must obey, OK.

Quote: dellas @ May 21 2012, 8:49 AM BST

:) Dose up with wine /beer chillax in garden reading or listening to music- please relax out :} ... x

I don't really drink at home especially during the day but sitting in the garden might be an option :D

Quote: Will Cam @ May 21 2012, 8:40 AM BST

I have quite a high tolerance for dossing.

You're a real dosser.

Quote: reds @ May 21 2012, 6:55 AM BST

What is the handbag thing about?

Quote: Lee @ May 21 2012, 10:35 AM BST

You're a real dosser.

So far it's a 70/30 split in favour of dossing. Soon to be nearer 90/10 as I am just about to watch AYBS the movie.

AJGO today managed to twat herself across the face and has a scratchmark on her nose. Twat.

She also only realised just in time that she was about to put the laundry in the oven. Twat.

But she has got lots of writing done, and been called 'brilliant' by someone she's working with.
So is a brilliant twat :)

Hehe, laundry in the oven, ace.

Quote: AJGO @ May 21 2012, 5:50 PM BST

So is a brilliant twat :)

We could have told you that.

Quote: AJGO @ May 21 2012, 5:50 PM BST

So is a brilliant twat :)

I can't believe I'm having to wait this long for a sootyj remark. :|

Quote: zooo @ May 21 2012, 5:54 PM BST

Hehe, laundry in the oven, ace.

We could have told you that.

Laughing out loud Wave

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ May 21 2012, 5:56 PM BST

I can't believe I'm having to wait this long for a sootyj remark. :|

Man up and insult me yourself :P

Quote: AJGO @ May 21 2012, 6:08 PM BST

Man up and insult me yourself :P

Don't think an insult was forthcoming, more likely a comment about your brilliant twat.

So, AJGO, what is the name of the sequel you're writing to 'A Beautiful Mind'?

Quote: AJGO @ May 21 2012, 5:50 PM BST

a brilliant twat :)


Quote: Nogget @ May 21 2012, 6:10 PM BST

Don't think an insult was forthcoming, more likely a comment about your brilliant twat.

No insult from RC on the BCG? The world is suddenly a cold and unfamiliar place

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ May 21 2012, 6:13 PM BST

So, AJGO, what is the name of the sequel you're writing to 'A Beautiful Mind'?


Phew! :D (Although I did tell you that in confidence and now you're using it to mock me. Not cricket.)


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