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I read the news today oh boy! Page 819

Laughing out loud

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ May 18 2012, 1:23 PM BST

I'm now very upset that I can no longer refer to DaButt as a racist, he is, in fact, a repressed minority.

I have a feeling I'll get a lot of complaints when I try to have the government dedicate a White History Month.

Who is the whitest American you can think of? I'm going to start a petition to name a street in the suburbs of every city in the country after him/her. (Most American cities have a Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. and it's typically in a not-so-nice neighborhood.)

I read a history of the North American Caucasians bathing habits.

It was a white wash.

Quote: DaButt @ May 18 2012, 2:16 PM BST

Who is the whitest American you can think of?

You want to choose a whitey who has really advanced the rights of caucasians, so not Lincoln obviously.

On a cultural level, you can't get more white then Pat Boone in my opinion.

The Joker

More evidence in the Trayvon Martin shooting has been released.

Photos of Zimmerman's injuries taken at the police station:

Video of Trayvon buying his Skittles and tea:

Martin had THC in his system when he died:

So Crayon liked an occaisonal toke and had some minor criminal convictions.

Meh big deal.

It makes him no more of a dangerous crook, than Zimmermans suspicious nature makes him Charles Bronson.

The only thing that seems to stand out. Is their both victims of a law that encourages people to be reckless.

Quote: sootyj @ May 18 2012, 2:41 PM BST

So Crayon liked an occaisonal toke and had some minor criminal convictions.

Meh big deal.

It matters greatly because Zimmerman told that police that he was acting suspiciously -- like he was on drugs. It'll play a big part in the trial.

The only thing that seems to stand out. Is their both victims of a law that encourages people to be reckless.

That law has absolutely no bearing on this case.

It meant that Zimmerman felt that when he followed a person he found suspicious and was armed, that the law was on his side.

Countries with violent insurgencies have more restrictions on firearms

Quote: sootyj @ May 18 2012, 2:56 PM BST

It meant that Zimmerman felt that when he followed a person he found suspicious and was armed, that the law was on his side.

Nope. The law meant that when Martin started beating the shit out of him and pounding his head on the pavement he had the right to defend himself.

Quote: sootyj @ May 18 2012, 2:56 PM BST

Countries with violent insurgencies have more restrictions on firearms

This is classically flawed liberal logic of the highest order. The article attempts to link legal gun ownership in America with the rate of shootings in ghetto areas.

Just like the UK, just about all violent gang shootings are done with illegal firearms owned by people barred from purchasing them. Legally owned guns do not equate to drug gangs killing each other for money and turf.

But don't let that get in the way of your arguments. Unimpressed

Yay! It's time for the gun argument again!

Did miss one earlier??? Whistling nnocently

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ May 18 2012, 3:16 PM BST

This is classically flawed liberal logic of the highest order. The article attempts to link legal gun ownership in America with the rate of shootings in ghetto areas.

Just like the UK, just about all violent gang shootings are done with illegal firearms owned by people barred from purchasing them. Legally owned guns do not equate to drug gangs killing each other for money and turf.

But don't let that get in the way of your arguments. Unimpressed

oh like 70% of the Guardian it's full of shit.

I was interested in how no serious politician in the US is even slightly trying to legislate against guns.

But the NRA is in full paranoid flow.,

Quote: zooo @ May 18 2012, 3:23 PM BST

Yay! It's time for the gun argument again!



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