Thursday 24th January 2008 2:43am [Edited]
5,335 posts
SlagB got his break by following the below procedure:
1) Witter on endlessly at every opportunity about a script you've written but have forgotten to bring with you. But it's so funny it comes with a pair of Pampers.
2) Tell them if they give you a mobile number and email address then you can forward it on. Maybe hint at drinks and dinner at THEIR place.
3) When they're filming, continually interrupt the director with much better lines for the actors.
4) When the director eventually tells you to f**k off, suggest a closing custard pie fight in the boardroom. Initiate one by throwing a pie at the director.
5) When they leave, follow them home in your car, tooting occasionaly and waving.
The only way to stand out from all the wannabes jostling around them, waving scripts, tap dancing, juggling, and singing, is to sit at the back of the room.