Saturday 5th May 2012 11:13pm [Edited]
22 posts
Hi there Callum
I only read half of your script, but here goes, well I have just turned 17, and got interested in writing comedy at 15, same age as you, and also my name is Callum, a bit of dejavu there lol.
Anyway here's some constructive criticism, First your spelling is diabolical, you definitely need someone to check you work (My spelling was terrible and still is patchy as well) and your format is hard to read.
On the comedy front, well its just very crude, do people really talk like that? All the swearing, it was a bit like a BBC 3 disaster. Maybe other people might be better here but I tend to write Mainstream comedy and find swearing rather a cop out, unless it is part of the way they talk.
Also here are a few tips and hints I have learnt along my way, thanks to numerous producers, including David Croft before he sadly died.
- First make sure you have a interesting plot, in a believable situation with characters the audience can care about. (Only Fools and Horses, Porridge)
- Second, try and define your characters, the way they speak, react with each other and in different situation, think Dads Army, not many jokes, but fantastic reactions and situations. Characters are very important, They can be monster Like the Bucket women, or get up and goers 'Del Boy' or people who would risk there life for there country 'Captain Mannering' there is no set rule.
- Third, Original situation, your idea is full of stereotypes, (which I hate, but that could just be me). Try and think out of the box, and make sure you use the key ingredient in comedy, Conflict, every single successful comedy has had conflict between either the Main or Secondary characters, the conflict can be about anything Class, Outlook, Politics, Entrapment, embarrassment etc, but remember there has to reason why these characters stay together, or people will wonder why one of the Characters just doesn't leave. Also as funny as it sounds you don't need a script crammed full of gags, lots of comedies just make you laugh at the Characters reaction to one or another, 'Dads Army' again 'Keeping Up Apperances' etc It depends on your writing style it could be easier for you too do or a lot harder.
But don't be down heated by my criticism keep trying, I looked back at my first script I wrote 2 years ago and it may have been funny but there was no plot and the characters were boring, since then I have written 8 separate sitcom pilots and have been told I have massively improved on the first, to be honest your first script will always be crap, the same with all the great sitcom writers, you have just got to keep at it.
Also I recommend you use CELTX for formatting it is free and works perfectly.
If you want to read my first script I don't mind drop us a line, and you can have a good laugh (or not as it maybe) at my first attempt