A belated happy boithday, Mr. Leevil! Hope you had yoursen a good 'un.
Happy Bithday Leevil! Page 5
Thank you Ian, I did.
May I be the first to wish you a belated happy birthday for this year on the correct thread.
Happy birthday Leevo!
Happy birthday bud! I'm getting pebbled in your honour.
Clappy Burpday numpty!
Oh for f**ks sake, what is with you BCG twunts all being born on the same day?!
Now I've got to write another poem that no one finds funny -
Happy Birthday to Lee
You really like monkeys
They say that primates share 98% of our DNA
Though if you leave Lee alone in a room with a sexy baboon
It soon gets ramped up to 100%
Happy Birthday Lee!!!!
Always love a RC birthday poem.

Happy birthday to Lee
a baker is he
he's rather funny
when drinking wee
Quote: Nil Putters @ May 8 2012, 8:39 PM BST
Always love a RC birthday poem.
Thank you Nil.
Quote: Badge @ May 8 2012, 8:29 PM BSTMay I be the first to wish you a belated happy birthday for this year on the correct thread.
(Not my fault I can spell)
Happy Birthday Lee, with as many r's as you could possibly wish for
I think Bithday has a certain charm.
Thank you all and thank you AJ for the unnecessary thread Although whoever this Leevil fella is, stealing my thunder, who probably stole it from DaButt.
Happy Birthday Lee