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Questions you want to ask BCG members. Page 18

:D BooYah!

And when she says her name

People say very nice could you step outside please

And when she says her name

People say very nice could you step outside please

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ May 3 2012, 12:57 AM BST

No worries AJGO.

As they say in Streatham:

Avanti il palazzo!

Goodbye my house??

Quote: zooo @ May 3 2012, 1:00 AM BST

Is it about spiders?

Hah, no, that was entirely for my amusement because I couldn't get a daft tune/lyric out of my head. Maybe I'll adapt it

Quote: dellas @ May 3 2012, 12:01 PM BST

AJGO are you a frustrated composer?... you love classical music.

Sadly I am entirely lacking in any innate musical ability, and my knowledge of classical music is dreadful, but frustrated, yes!

I have however booked a sax lesson so will be disproportionately pleased if I can get it to make a sound.

Have all who can vote voted/dedicated time later to vote?

I went on a mission to Hackney so no 'It was too far'/'I was too tired' excuses, or you will suffer the dreadful fate of one of my stern emoticon postings.

(I quite miss Hackney. Cheap jeans, cheap food and cigs and alcohol, and a gorgeous bus driver who waved at me until out of sight. Sigh.)

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ May 3 2012, 5:03 PM BST

I won't do any "sax lesson" gags.

Thanks, I know that must have been a struggle for you

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ May 3 2012, 5:03 PM BST

Your libretto sounds like a mission. Are you given a melody to fit lyrics to? Or are you expected to write the melody and lyrics?

Just lyrics for this particular opp, but am now thinking about people I know and how could develop. It is the most intriguing form of writing I have attempted. Exquisitely excruciating. It was going rather well yesterday when I was listening to Turandot and today it is going horrendously and I'm blaming it on listening to Lakme. Or complete sobriety. It's not too early for wine is it? Is that 'of course not AJGO' I hear you all cry? Excellent.

I think I'm going to have a go at the music too. Will compose on piano and imagine other instruments and beg, borrow and steal them when I can to see if the sound matches what I reckon. I don't read or write music though, so if anyone has any tips on the best way to jot down what notes/piano keys I'm playing so I can refer back to it at a later stage after I've forgotten the habit of playing it whilst developing, that would be bloody grand.

Quote: AJGO @ May 4 2012, 12:41 AM BST

I don't read or write music though, so if anyone has any tips on the best way to jot down what notes/piano keys I'm playing so I can refer back to it at a later stage after I've forgotten the habit of playing it whilst developing, that would be bloody grand.

The only thing I can think of off hand, is that you might be able to get one of those piano keyboards that plug into your computer and the music programme will tell you what notes and such.

I am by no means an expert on these things, so hopefully someone more computer-y can give you some proper advice.

Thanks for the suggestion but that sounds very... not it should be? Will just resort to my usual pretending-it's-interesting-but-actually-knowing-it's-probably-a-bit-mental creativity.

I might just not bother with the entire thing. If you can't better 'Tramontate, stelle!' then what's the point? What's the point of anything? *sobs into her wine over the futility of existence which, bastard that existence is and ever eager to make a point, makes her look a f**ktard and also extinguishes her cigarette with the very tears it demanded*

On the other hand, I am now very much enthused about Euro 2012

How does this thread work?
Are you asking A) The whole BCG a question? B) A specific member a question ?
or C?
I won't say who C is.

:) OH dear, feel sorry now for asking! but know there is something you NEED to express, in what medium?... thought of Art/poetry?

That is something we havn't done poetry- apart from Sootyj.

Who me?
As in the need to express thing?

I do fancy the Art & poetry though

;) Well Steve seeing you asked, yes, but was trying to help AJGO with her problems.

Do we need new thread for this 'poetry'? feel ashamed at even attemting it oh what derision! but often do feel very profound after a glass or two of vino!

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ May 4 2012, 1:40 AM BST

How does this thread work?
Are you asking A) The whole BCG a question? B) A specific member a question ?
or C?
I won't say who C is.

I think it works however people use it. Unless I'm just not taking this general discussion on the internet thing seriously enough. Shall I consider myself admonished? :)

Quote: dellas @ May 4 2012, 2:25 AM BST

;) Well Steve seeing you asked, yes, but was trying to help AJGO with her problems.

Aw, bless you- don't worry, not 'problems', just the type of whingy rant one becomes susceptible to after spending hours putting in and taking out and putting back and taking out again the word 'the' from the same sentence.

Going quite well today, although am listening to Rocket Juice and the Moon... Maybe I'll do a funk opera. That'll be totally 'rad', right kids? Kids? Hello? Oh. Not 'rad' then.

:D WOW yes! great idea, just listen to Milton Jones radio4 on now, anything is possible. What ideas for a ;Goth Opera' have you got? thinking of Rummo and Julitetitha' ,well mAade me laugh! with a Rap Libretto in the stylee of Beathoven 5th Symth in c major!

Laughing out loud F**k me, that's so brilliantly bad someone must have done it already, surely?
Don't encourage me dellas, like I need to spend any more of my time mucking around being a numpty. Tempting though.

:D Tee Hee, sorry 'free-forming'. Like my late night post ,we need poetry/art corner? what you tink?

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