Friday 12th October 2012 11:29pm [Edited]
172 posts
Quote: Skeadugenga @ February 27 2012, 5:50 PM GMT
I tend to agree with Renegade Carpark - reading the BCG newsletter these days is just depressing. I don't want to live in a world where "Mrs Brown's Boys" is prime time comedy.
As well as playing it safe, all channels seem to be obsessed with ratings and going for the lowest common deonominator. It's only a matter of time before "Strictly Big Fat Gypsy Weddings". Understandable from ITV, but wasn't the BBC funded so that they didn't need to chase ratings and could develop quality shows?
I saw ten minutes of Mrs. Brown's Boys once ... that was 10 minutes too much! If replacing the classic 'feck off' from the beloved Father Ted with f**king this and f**king that is classed as comedy then things really have hit rock bottom!
And as for all the brainless morons who can't even speak or have an IQ equal to (or less than) a cucumber sandwich, but make a mint out of such shows as Big Crap Gypsy Weddings or The Only Way Is Inbreds, then I can only come to the conclusion that the heads of the channels that make or show them must be chavs or single mums living on council estates, as that seem to be the target audience and there are now hundreds of these shitty programmes clogging our airwaves!
F**k the Chelsea set, f**k Esssex, f**k gyppos, f**k Peter Aandre and Katie Price (no thanks) and f**k all the heads of channels who show them! Damn, that feels better after getting that off my chest. Rant over.