British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 795

Holy shit.

F**king hell!

Quote: sootyj @ April 23 2012, 6:27 PM BST

Bloody idiots.


It's the appalling weakness of the school that shocks.

Quote: zooo @ April 22 2012, 7:36 PM BST

Now that is big.

(Not a very nice end for the poor rat though) :(

As the article says it looks like a Coypu. Poor bugger.

Quote: sootyj @ April 23 2012, 6:27 PM BST

F**king ridiculous Yanks. Shows how bloody ignorant they are!

Quote: Lazzard @ April 22 2012, 9:48 AM BST

Big Queen doesn't quite have the same ring.

Well I'm sure it would.

Quote: Chappers @ April 23 2012, 8:36 PM BST

As the article says it looks like a Coypu. Poor bugger.

Saw a beaver on the news today (one of the only wild ones in UK), and I can well imagine some excitable numpty coming across it and killing it, thinking it's a massive rat.

Quote: zooo @ April 23 2012, 8:47 PM BST

Saw a beaver on the news today (one of the only wild ones in UK), and I can well imagine some excitable numpty coming across it and killing it, thinking it's a massive rat.



Quote: sootyj @ April 23 2012, 8:13 PM BST

It's the appalling weakness of the school that shocks.

Welcome to political correctness. A single parent with a single complaint can change the curriculum, remove books from the reading list and cause a teacher to lose his/her job just because they think their Johnny shouldn't have to do something they disagree with.

The terrifying thing is this is "individualised microscopic political correctness"

Statue with its cock out banned, fried chicken "racist" banned. evoloution banned, statistics on racial profile of criminals banned

I mean is there anything left that doesn't offend someone in some way?

Parents that paranoid should just keep their kids at home. Bad luck for the kid, but at least the parents' breathtaking ignorance doesn't ruin things for everyone else.

On a subtler note, school is where you go to be away from your parents. To grow as an individual and learn some of lifes shittier lessons.

Allowing parental influence to follow around forever. Is something that feels so very dangerous.

In the UK this can be seen so strongly in faith schools.

Some people just don't have a sense of humour!

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