British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 792

Quote: sootyj @ April 20 2012, 5:17 PM BST

Now this annoys me.

An Anne Frank joke maybe considered a bit dated and not in the best taste. But it isn't antisemitic per se and to response with being racist about the English is just assinine.

Yeah, I read that; some people are just dumb.

Quote: sootyj @ April 20 2012, 7:19 PM BST

Nah he called Gervais an upperclass antisemite

This the same Ricky Gervais who hangs out with Larry David, Seinfeld, Ben Stiller and just about every single comedy Jew on the circuit?

Sounds to me like the almost unheard of publication Jewish World was desperate for some publicity.

I have a suspicion that Jewish World may be the worlds worst theme park.

Quote: sootyj @ April 20 2012, 10:03 PM BST

I have a suspicion that Jewish World may be the worlds worst theme park.

Laughing out loud Laughing out loud

Canada's glow-in-the-dark dinosaur coin:

As a patriotic Englishman I am discussed the dinosaur and not Queen Elizabeth glow.

Addison Lee boss dares to criticise London's cyclists. Liberal twats in lycra shorts, backpacks and gay helmets have a self righteous fit of self important rage - because criticising cyclists is like punching Baby Jesus in his day old balls.

Some two wheeled c**t added -

"It's hard to see how the government departments and corporate clients that currently use Addison Lee services can continue to do so without appearing to condone the chairman's complete disregard for cyclist safety."

Renegade Carpark added -

'Stop running through red lights, going the wrong way up one way streets, clogging up train carriages, riding on the pavement, chaining your bike to my front gate and generally acting that you are somehow a more 'worthy' person because you have a bike you loathesome individuals'


Having got back from Holland a few weeks ago it really can't be that hard to have decent cycle lanes?

I mean cars are shit basically and shouldn't be encouraged.

I mean even without bikes you can get where you're going in London by public transport anyway.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ April 21 2012, 12:23 PM BST

Liberal twats

You really need to get over this liberal thing, you seem to mention it a lot. I'm sure there are many people who ride bikes who are total right wing nuts, too.

Like Boris Johnson and Dave Cameron.

They should build proper cycle lanes totally separate from roads. They should all be nice and quiet and surrounded by leafy trees, with squirrels eating little nuts on the grassy verges and birds flying above you, singing. I would then use a bike.

Quote: zooo @ April 21 2012, 12:55 PM BST

They should build proper cycle lanes totally separate from roads. They should all be nice and quiet and surrounded by leafy trees, with squirrels eating little nuts on the grassy verges and birds flying above you, singing. I would then use a bike.

I can't believe anyone in London rides a bike; the traffic is terrible, every other driver an arse, you're in constant danger of being knocked off; and it seems that half the people on bikes, despite all this obvious danger, are idiots and don't wear a helmet.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ April 21 2012, 12:53 PM BST

I'm sure there are many people who ride bikes who are total right wing nuts, too.

Probably, but I've never met one.

You shouldn't be bothered by people bashing or poking fun at liberals since it's really no different or worse than joking about right wing nuts or bashing tories.

Quote: zooo @ April 21 2012, 12:55 PM BST

They should build proper cycle lanes totally separate from roads. They should all be nice and quiet and surrounded by leafy trees, with squirrels and I'd run over their little nuts on the grassy verges and birds going under my wheels, singing singing die cuteness die beneath my wheels of death. I would then use a bike.

erm I think Boris wouldn't back that.

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