British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 787

Quote: Oldrocker @ April 16 2012, 5:09 PM BST

I'm getting this deeply unsettling vision of a rich man turning up at a hospital one morning, handing over his £100,000 to the hospital funds plus a further £5,000 to the surgeon and then being shown how to, and then allowed to, abort a foetus.

The hospital wins, the surgeon wins and the rich man is pictured with a smile on his face on the steps of the hospital holding up a scan of the, now empty, womb.


Quote: DaButt @ April 16 2012, 4:19 PM BST

Hunting requires great skill and patience.

Try putting "Captive Hunts" in YouTube search.

QUOTE: How many captive hunts are there?

The HSUS estimates that there are more than a thousand captive hunting operations across the country. Approximately five hundred of these operations are in Texas alone.


Quote: Matthew Stott @ April 16 2012, 6:02 PM BST

the very idea that anyone could find the sight of two wealthy, entitled morons grinning as they proudly hold aloft a hacked off elephant tail for piccies in any way weird or sick is absurd and the behaviour of a gormless tit.

The next time you bump into wealthy, entitle moron (in a good way) Michael Palin, remind him to chastise the natives he encounters to stop banging on zebra skin drums, wearing ostrich feathers in their hair and hunting game.

Quote: zooo @ April 16 2012, 6:27 PM BST

Talking of odd.
See half the stuff said on the last few pages of the thread.

Yeah, all of the xenophobia and talk about murdering paraplegics is positively unnerving.

Quote: DaButt @ April 16 2012, 6:33 PM BST

The next time you bump into wealthy, entitle moron (in a good way) Michael Palin, remind him to chastise the natives he encounters to stop banging on zebra skin drums, wearing ostrich feathers in their hair and hunting game.

Oh come on, please. Also, nowhere did I say I'm against hunting, what I have said, is that the behaviour of people, such as the two, yes, entitled morons I posted a picture of is highly distasteful and really quite sick. That is not the same as saying people who hunt for food and clothing are bad. It's okay to admit that some people who hunt aren't doing it for noble reasons; that some people, maybe very few, do it because they get a thrill out of it. No one will throw you out of Hunting Club for that.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ April 16 2012, 6:02 PM BST

As always, you are right to mock, the very idea that anyone could find the sight of two wealthy, entitled morons grinning as they proudly hold aloft a hacked off elephant tail for piccies in any way weird or sick is absurd and the behaviour of a gormless tit. As ever, you're here to keep us on the right track!

As ever. I suppose you could liken it to photos of hunters and fisherman who hold up wild hares or trout, but that doesn't have a good enough class warfare, anti-elitist vision of hatred to it.

What I find absurd is the attributing of human emotions to a natural part of the food chain. An antelope in Africa doesn't care if it's killed by a white, rich, European or a wild leopard - it's dead either way. If the hunters hold up the tails for a camera snap or start chewing the bloody flesh of it's bones, the antelope is still dead.

Do hunters get a thrill from hunting? I would imagine that any activity that induces adrenalin would give you a thrill of some kind or another. For some it's tracking and taking down big cats, for others it's lining up outside the Apple Store for three days to get the lastest iPad.

Why I'm not against hunting is because it's a basic survival skill - along with learing to swim or building a fire - that we should never lose. Hunting has forged human society, created civilisations, insured our continued existence by spreading us throughout the planet, safeguarded us from starvation during bad harvests and helped us get to the top of the food chain.

Do we really need to hunt in this day and age? Do we need to ride horses? Go rambling? Own pets? Most of the time, we don't even need to know how to swim. Everything is absurd if you think about it.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ April 16 2012, 6:54 PM BST

As ever. I suppose you could liken it to photos of hunters and fisherman who hold up wild hares or trout, but that doesn't have a good enough class warfare, anti-elitist vision of hatred to it.

No, you're putting words or ideals in my mouth, I find that just as odd, but I was talking about those specific pics.

Actually, apart from trout; fish can get f**ked.

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ April 16 2012, 6:31 PM BST

QUOTE: How many captive hunts are there?

The HSUS estimates that there are more than a thousand captive hunting operations across the country. Approximately five hundred of these operations are in Texas alone.


The intention is to infer that people are shooting animals in tiny cages while the reality is that the animals are living on ranches hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands of acres in size. The King Ranch, at almost 1300 square miles, is bigger than the state of Rhode Island.

Guess what, the ranches even have a code of ethics:

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ April 16 2012, 6:54 PM BST

What I find absurd is the attributing of human emotions to a natural part of the food chain.

Me too, I don't find the picture I put up distasteful because I imagine the Cheetah's family are now weeping and consoling each other.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ April 16 2012, 6:54 PM BST

Why I'm not against hunting is because it's a basic survival skill -

I'm not actually against it either.

All sorted!

Quote: Matthew Stott @ April 16 2012, 6:58 PM BST

No, you're putting words or ideals in my mouth, I find that just as odd, but I was talking a bout those specific pics..

Oh, the rich, entitled, morons pic - yes, how could I infer any class prejudice from that?

Quote: Matthew Stott @ April 16 2012, 6:40 PM BST

It's okay to admit that some people who hunt aren't doing it for noble reasons; that some people, maybe very few, do it because they get a thrill out of it. No one will throw you out of Hunting Club for that.

So you're afraid of an entire nation because "maybe very few" hunters are not professional and humane. Errr

P.S. I've never hunted in my life.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ April 16 2012, 6:58 PM BST

Actually, apart from trout; fish can get f**ked.

Laughing out loud Laughing out loud

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ April 16 2012, 7:02 PM BST

Oh, the rich, entitled, morons pic - yes, how could I infer any class prejudice from that?

Sorry, but I don't have anything against rich people. But in this case, that money has allowed them to do what they did; so I do have something against THOSE TWO rich people.

Quote: DaButt @ April 16 2012, 7:00 PM BST

The intention is to infer that people are shooting animals in tiny cages while the reality is that the animals are living on ranches hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands of acres in size.

Some "ranches" may be large in size, but they're fenced-off into much smaller sections.

And as for "ethics", watch this:

Quote: Matthew Stott @ April 16 2012, 7:06 PM BST

so I do have something against THOSE TWO rich people.

Careful, they have guns you know - best to leave the leopard skin coat at home for a few weeks.


Quote: Stylee TingTing @ April 16 2012, 7:06 PM BST

Some "ranches" may be large in size, but they're fenced-off into much smaller sections.

How small is small?

From the code of ethics:

2) It shall be unethical to participate in an "unfair chase." Only fair chase hunting methods, consistent with the geographical area in which the
animal is harvest/hunted, shall be deemed consistent with this Code.
"Fair chase" hunting shall be defined as hunting in any area, by any
method, that provides the hunted animals with a reasonable chance and
opportunity to avoid being found by the hunter, or having once been
found by the hunter, to escape. Additionally that provides the animal(s)
a reasonable chance and opportunity to detect the hunter and, once
detected, a reasonable chance and opportunity to flee.

Quote: DaButt @ April 16 2012, 7:02 PM BST

So you're afraid of an entire nation because "maybe very few" hunters are not professional and humane. Errr

P.S. I've never hunted in my life.

Huh? I like America, nothing against it. :)

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