Monday 16th April 2012 2:33pm [Edited]
69,779 posts
Quote: Renegade Carpark @ April 16 2012, 3:31 PM BST
Yeah, like those wildlife experts who have to cull herds of animals so they don't overpopulate and starve to death. Or those so called government experts killing animals to stop them spreading mad cow disease or foot and mouth. And anyone who takes their pet to a vet to have it put down because it's 'suffering'.
They are the biggest load of bollocks.
Lol, yes putting down a pet in great pain is showing exactly the same amount of respect as a person who shoots elephants for laughs.
The level of idiocy you are willing to show on this board is sometimes quite staggering.
Quote: DaButt @ April 16 2012, 3:31 PM BST
Vets respect and love animals yet they kill thousands every day. Doctors love children but abort untold numbers of them every day. Is it really all that difficult, then, to come to grips with the fact that hunters respect the species that they kill in legally licensed hunts that are supervised by biologists and conservationists in order to ensure a healthy and sustainable population of game animals?
Yes. Those things are nothing alike. Legality has little to do with morality.