Friday 13th April 2012 7:13pm [Edited]
1,356 posts
Personally, I really enjoyed this and looking forward to a full series 
It was warm, amusing and touching at times.
I believed in Ricky as Derek from the outset and saw the 'gurning' and such likes simply as a part of Derek. That's who he is.
Karl was, well Karl. Who never fails to amuse 
And it was great to see David Earl pop up as the third member of their little group.
All in all, me thinks a great return 
Quote: sootyj @ April 13 2012, 12:39 AM BST
if you met Derek down the pub would you buy him a pint or would you snigger at him?
Sadly some people always seem to find some comfort in pointing at the minority when they see themselves sitting with the safety of the majority.
However, I'd like to believe those that 'snigger' would possibly start to re think after watching something like this. Individuals as such as Derek are still real people with real feelings and despite how they may appear they are still made of the same stuff.
Quote: Aaron @ April 13 2012, 12:46 AM BST
Joan's death. It did feel a tad overdone, and I didn't quite buy into Derek being so devastated by it: he's supposed to work in a nursing home, and he's still so gravely personally affected by the death of a patient? Pull the other one.
Really? I saw it as Derek has very little outside his work, so his work is his life and those he works with are his family. So for me, more than believable to be devastated by the death of a very close friend/patient. Some people in such positions in the real world do get very attached.