British Comedy Guide

Things that piss you off Page 909

Quote: Ben @ April 4 2012, 9:14 PM BST

People at work get angry that I don't pronounce salt as "soult". I kinda pronounce it "sawlt". If you know what I mean.

British regional accents are full of weird and wonderful crap.

How people pronounce book never fails to amaze me. Especially in the North West - 'boooooooook'.

Getting underbid on elance.

I can understand people from Africa bidding $5 to write a thousand gags, I mean that'll feed their township for a month.

But I got underbid by an American!

There's some silly bitch on TV talking about mammoths and her pronunciation is so appalling I thought she was saying 'hateful' instead of 'hopeful'. Also 'thighsand' for 'thousand', 'ight' for 'out'. Would like to throw a brick at the TV but Mr . K would object.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ April 4 2012, 9:43 PM BST

How people pronounce book never fails to amaze me. Especially in the North West - 'boooooooook'.

I heard Dave Spikey say cooook booook once. I nearly wet myself.

;) AY UP I 'eard that , you 'ave stopped me readin' me coooook boooook!

Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

Reminded me . . .

All these effin' NI 'presenters' on Radio Five Live Drive Live Drive . . .

It's not f**kin' nigh, it's now ! FFS !

(I'm even hitting the keys harder!)

Angry Angry Angry

Jenny Jones, the London Green Party mayoral candidate. People talk about politicians being out of touch with society and she really is top of the list.

Her main plan is to raise the Congestion Charge to £40 to stop people driving around London.

I was on the tube at rush hour on Monday evening and you literally couldn't pack more people on the train. Adding a couple of hundred thousand extra commuters into the mix is unrealistic and unimaginable.

Personally, I don't own a car, but even I'm sickened by the way politicians pick on car drivers and view them as some sort of never ending cash machine for their crackpot policies.

:) Totally agree with Rocker and Renegade.

Quote: dellas @ April 5 2012, 12:00 AM BST

:) Totally agree with Bill and Renegade.

Me? What have I done now?

Good grief I didn't say anything that agreed with Renegade did I??

I musta bin drunk.


ARrgh you edited it and made my message pointless.......

:S :S :S :S

:D Sorry Bill <3

Quote: dellas @ April 5 2012, 12:25 AM BST

:D Sorry Bill <3

s'okay, I've done a back-cheat edit to show wot it was.


TTPYO: The aching pain you get when you bite your nails and accidentally rip down the side of the nail bed. Dull ache that won't stop and any attempt the clean the wound (with more biting) hurts even more.


At least it's not my toenail!

Oh for the love of sweet baby Jesus...

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