British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 817

Seriously, though. Is that not the most disturbing freudian design-slip ever? It's worse than the Ood!

I fancy the current doctor - I like his hands...and his dress-sense. mentally ill, you say. hmm...

(Unless he by some freak occurence reads this, in which case, he is very handsome and I am very sorry.)

Quote: Harridan @ March 21 2012, 12:15 AM GMT

Seriously, though. Is that not the most disturbing freudian design-slip ever? It's worse than the Ood!

I am actually embarrassed for the person who designed it.
He/she has revealed much too much about themselves.

Quote: Harridan @ March 21 2012, 12:15 AM GMT

I fancy the current doctor - I like his hands...and his dress-sense. mentally ill, you say. hmm...

All that does is support my statement. ;)

Unlike the anus mouths of those baldy aliens. At this rate, I'm going to think that RTD and Gatiss are queer.

Quote: zooo @ March 21 2012, 12:17 AM GMT

All that does is support my statement. ;)

You've never got over the 'regeneration' of Tennant, have you?

I thik that's an insight into your psyche, RC. I never even made that association.

Quote: Harridan @ March 21 2012, 12:20 AM GMT

I thik that's an insight into your psyche, RC. I never even made that association.

I know, it must be on my brain or something, thank goodness for Captain Jack.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ March 21 2012, 12:19 AM GMT

You've never got over the 'regeneration' of Tennant, have you?

*seethes quietly*

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ March 21 2012, 12:19 AM GMT

Unlike the anus mouths of those baldy aliens.

I'm not sure which ones you mean?

The Silence.


Now you bring them up, they have awfully odd fingers...

I think we've invented a new game!

Ohhhh. Laughing out loud
Fair point.

Quote: Harridan @ March 21 2012, 12:25 AM GMT

I think we've invented a new game!

It's like being a fly on the wall in the Spice Girl's dressing room.




Bad luck Zooo, it's a young woman.

And surprise, surprise. It's a fit brunette. Whether she can act is of course irrelevant. I'm sure the fur bikini will be along soon.

How boring. Hopefully they'll give her a personality, at least. *not holding my breath*

Quote: KLRiley @ March 21 2012, 11:00 AM GMT

And surprise, surprise. It's a fit brunette.

The last two female companions were ginger!

Has no one seen Dr Who before? It's ALWAYS a young-ish woman. Thems the rules.

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