Alfred J Kipper
Saturday 17th March 2012 7:21am [Edited]
8,477 posts
Quote: David Carmon @ February 12 2012, 8:32 PM GMT
Either way for the BBC to almost completely ignore their longest running sitcom of the 1990s is still a bit odd.
Odd only from the point of view it was a long running show, but not odd from a 'does it fit the current schedule' angle. I can't see that it would. It was very of its time and I'm not sure the target audience would get it now, that is the children in the family, at least. How could they relate to a family that has no computer, no game station things, no mobile phones, and whose TV looks like an old box in the corner?
Very very few family sitcoms get repeated, for this reason, as do very very few children's shows. Instead, they make new ones to constantly reflect the times we live in and family life today. Get it? So your beloved 2.4 Children is a victim of its own genre - Family Sitcoms. If it were remade for today's family audience it would need all the things mentioned above and it would probably be called 3.9 children or whatever the current average rate is, as it has rocketed in the last 20 years.