Mikey Jackson
Friday 16th March 2012 12:49pm
Worthing, West Sussex
2,808 posts
Quote: garyd @ March 15 2012, 10:03 AM GMT
Thanks Mikey!
No mate, we started late and were hoping to use as much available time as possible to sharpen it up (or try to make it funny!).
Might well be a bridge too far.
Unless we make it an abridged version.
Ahhhh, I see. 
Quote: Tobysarse @ March 15 2012, 6:07 PM GMT
I've managed to work around the vehicle scene. It wasn't vital. I now have my script written and it all sits within two rooms.
If for example there are two groups of people, and one of the groups looks across to the other group, would I use 'Cut to' or can I just site it within my stage directions?
For example 'John and Bob look over to Bill and Ben who are both playing Twister'
That's a good question. Personally, if I had characters interacting in some way between two rooms, I'd intercut the two rooms as one scene.
So it would be something in the lines of:
In ROOM 1, JOHN and BOB look over to --
-- ROOM 2, where BILL and BEN play Twister.
Of course, other writers might do it differently.