British Comedy Guide

Things that piss you off Page 895

Quote: AJGO @ March 15 2012, 7:33 PM GMT

MP (Labour) candidates ringing on the doorbell. Feel a bit sorry for them and glad they're putting the effort in, but don't come around uninvited, that just seems rude.

Bloody Tory. *shakes fist* ;)

Pimples. Thought you were meant to stop getting them after your teens.

Quote: reds @ March 16 2012, 11:22 AM GMT

Pimples. Thought you were meant to stop getting them after your teens.

You mostly stop getting them, but you keep those two. They're called nipples.

I read that something like 80% of people in their 30s continue to get spots (some high number like that anyway). So, basically, they never stop. Yay.

All people or particularly women?
It is so harsh to have wrinkles and spots

I think all people.

My brother and sister both still get the odd one and they're way older than me. So there's no hope for me!

Just blame premenstrualness and hope no-one notices it's every week. Like with P.E. at school

Quote: AJGO @ March 16 2012, 11:52 AM GMT

All people or particularly women?
It is so harsh to have wrinkles and spots

A wrinkled spot ?


Quote: AJGO @ March 16 2012, 11:55 AM GMT

Just blame premenstrualness and hope no-one notices it's every week. Like with P.E. at school


I don't mind the under the skin bubbles but this one is of the white dot variety. Might be time for the toothpaste trick I think. It would be nice to have some teen age things back but not pimples.

Smoking an expensive cigar is fun while you're drinking but I really hate waking up with that nasty taste in my mouth the next morning. Sick

Well done for getting 'expensive' in.

Have you still got the ban on Cuban cigars DaButt?

Quote: Marc P @ March 16 2012, 12:12 PM GMT

Have you still got the ban on Cuban cigars DaButt?

I think so. Most of the good ones are made by ancient Cubans in Tampa from tobacco grown from old Cuban seed stock, so I doubt the real things are as good as they're hyped to be. Sort of a forbidden fruit thing ...

Quote: rwayne @ March 16 2012, 12:10 PM GMT

Well done for getting 'expensive' in.

Why would anyone smoke a cheap cigar?

Quote: DaButt @ March 16 2012, 12:16 PM GMT

I think so. Most of the good ones are made by ancient Cubans in Tampa from tobacco grown from old Cuban seed stock, so I doubt the real things are as good as they're hyped to be. Sort of a forbidden fruit thing ...

Why would anyone smoke a cheap cigar?

Good point. I liked cigars from Sumatra when I smoked them. Bought a lovely humidor in Princeton when I was there and brought it home. Sits in my study now unused!

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