Quote: Nil Putters @ February 18 2012, 11:35 PM GMT
Don't let me down! I have money down on it.
Quote: Nil Putters @ February 18 2012, 11:35 PM GMT
Don't let me down! I have money down on it.
Quote: TopBanana @ February 18 2012, 4:41 PM GMTNoses are overrated! Noses stink!
I think you mean noses smell.
Damn you grammar people and your ability to ruin a seriously awesome joke.
Quote: Charley @ February 17 2012, 10:45 PM GMT
please remain my fawend!
Of course!
Getting a bit grrr about game requests. Have to admit years ago it was something I was guilty of. Now I want to chew on the screen when I see one.
Just block them. Easy!
I have blocked pretty much everything on Facebook. Occasionally I'll add a game, pool or poker or something but always end up deleting/ blocking it.
It just want Facebook to be a communication tool. Nothing else, I have game consoles/smart phones and a pc for everything else.
I've just had a friend request from the sister/daughter/mother/granny/great-granny of somebody on my friend list whom I don't actually know - long story (Bill - friend of Pam). So far I've ignored it - why would this person want to be my friend?
Quote: keewik @ February 24 2012, 12:15 AM GMTwhy would this person want to be my friend?
If you hand out ammunition like that on the BCG, you're going to get shot.
I've got about 4 friend requests from people I don't even know, one of them looks completely made up. There are some weird folk out there in the T'interworld.
Quote: Lee @ February 23 2012, 1:03 PM GMTIt just want Facebook to be a communication tool. Nothing else, I have game consoles/smart phones and a pc for everything else.
This man speaks THE TRUTH.
OK then. Nothing personal.
I've just done a blitz on Facebook and deleted loads of "Friends". Most of those are people on here and I thought it pointless duplicating things.
As I've said - Nothing personal!!!
Quote: Chappers @ March 8 2012, 5:10 PM GMTOK then. Nothing personal.
I've just done a blitz on Facebook and deleted loads of "Friends". Most of those are people on here and I thought it pointless duplicating things.
As I've said - Nothing personal!!!
You horrible coont
One of my brother's childhood friends de-friended me 5 minutes ago because I posted a Snopes link in response to a dubious claim about Denzel Washington that's been making the rounds since 2004.