Three Drunks In Chip Shop.The title sung the tune of 'Three Coins in a Fountain'
Drunk 1 sings
Fry me to the moon,(Fly Me To The Moon)
Cod and chips and make it soon.
Drunk 2 sings
Fry me a kipper, I fried a kipper over you, (Cry Me A River)
But I’ll have cod and chips too
Drunk 3 sings
He knows all there is to know about the frying game.(The Crying Game)
So I think I’ll have the same, thank-you
Chip Shop Owner sings
It’s my chip shop and I’ll fry if I want to, (I'll Cry If I Want To)
Chip Shop Owner’s Wife sings
That’ll be four quid each
Who’s frying now, (Who's Crying Now)