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Quote: Marc P @ February 24 2012, 2:29 PM GMT

Answer it then. It was a statement not a question. And you have capitalised the 'Are' which was half way through what I wrote. Like I said I don't want to play silly games and like I also said if you wish to clarify the reference you were making... please go ahead.

If you tell me what it is you'd like claryfying I'd be more than happy to do it.
Just so we are clear though...I'm not playing 'silly games' and the fact that you say it in that way is really rather naughty don't you think?

As you were Rwayne.

Thanks. It's just a very lazy little dig and unfounded. Rather like people using the word 'troll' and frankly not what I'd expect from yourself.
As I've said before if anyone wants an explanation of my posts I'll happily give it but really... 'I'm not playing games but you are...' come on, you're better than that.

As you were:

: : What does it mean and where does that come from?

: "As you were" is a military drill command. If an NCO gives an order and then wishes to change it, or if he is not satisfied with the way the men react, he may give the command As you were. This tells the men to return to the earlier state and await the next command.

Quote: Marc P @ February 24 2012, 2:38 PM GMT

As you were:

: : What does it mean and where does that come from?

: "As you were" is a military drill command. If an NCO gives an order and then wishes to change it, or if he is not satisfied with the way the men react, he may give the command As you were. This tells the men to return to the earlier state and await the next command.

I see what happened here, I think. You got a little (forgive me for saying so)
over sensitive because you thought the 'obvious joke' I referred to was aimed at what you said. Let me reassure wasn't.
The obvious joke, as I saw it, was to say: "I'd like to thank L.E.'s mother too..."

(The 'joke' being a suggestion than a person may have had an 'experience' with L.E.'s mother for which she should be thanked)

Now I can think of at least half a dozen people on here who might have made that joke and thought it was hilarious. I wouldn't have included you, to be honest, in that half a dozen.

You took it the wrong way and nearly, very nearly, dummies were being spat out of prams... which would explain why you chose to accuse me of something and at the same time distance yourself from that which I was being accused.

Hope that's cleared up.

I go on lunch and it all flares up.

Looks like a bit of a misunderstanding which has been sorted out now. If you want to continue going over this please do so over PM. :-)

I love it when you're masterful... Lovey

Quote: Marc P @ February 24 2012, 1:52 PM GMT

I didn't call anyone a bully. I am just commenting on what happened this morning on that thread. I am sure Dan does have a penis. Not entirely sure of the relevance mind you.

I haven't painted any rosy pictures. And I know you say you want to draw a line and move on but you keep bringing up these past issues and then making your point and tell everyone else to stop talking about it.

Fair is fair is all I want to see.


Danny said it might be an idea to close the thread since there were other posts. He did not start demanding it to be done.

You put a post saying it's kick Dellas day. How is that not accusing people of picking on her or not dragging up the past? The point I was making was dragging this stuff up is going to gain responses and cause problems for everyone. Getting on the offensive out of the blue here on her behalf is no different from when people voiced their offence of her. Accusing me of dragging it up is very pot calling kettle black here.

If you want people to be fair, try not posting such a inflammatory comment. People will respond and the people it's going to backfire on is Dellas and yourself and you honestly don't strike me as someone who wants that. I don't want to fight. I'm just really bored with it all. I just want to move on.

Quote: L.E. @ February 24 2012, 3:06 PM GMT

I go on lunch and it all flares up.

Looks like a bit of a misunderstanding which has been sorted out now. If you want to continue going over this please do so over PM. :-)

Are you going to spank me? Smarmy

Considers posting that image of L.E. but decides wisdom is the better part of valour! :)

Is that the last you are going to say on the matter?

EDIT: Insert my post above Marc's.

Is that her devil look? I would.

Quote: rwayne @ February 24 2012, 3:25 PM GMT

Is that the last you are going to say on the matter?

EDIT: Insert my post above Marc's.

Let's just move on. I like Marc and his magic avatar.


Quote: Rooface @ February 24 2012, 3:24 PM GMT

Danny said it might be an idea to close the thread since there were other posts. He did not start demanding it to be done.

You put a post saying it's kick Dellas day. How is that not accusing people of picking on her or not dragging up the past? The point I was making was dragging this stuff up is going to gain responses and cause problems for everyone. Getting on the offensive out of the blue here on her behalf is no different from when people voiced their offence of her. Accusing me of dragging it up is very pot calling kettle black here.

If you want people to be fair, try not posting such a inflammatory comment. People will respond and the people it's going to backfire on is Dellas and yourself and you honestly don't strike me as someone who wants that. I don't want to fight. I'm just really bored with it all. I just want to move on.

Are you going to spank me? Smarmy

Well it wasn't really put of the blue was it? I didn't drag anything up just commented on a post that was closed. I can handle some backfire :)

Quote: Marc P @ February 24 2012, 3:27 PM GMT

I can handle some backfire :)

You shouldn't be farting near the fireplace.

Quote: Rooface @ February 24 2012, 3:29 PM GMT

You shouldn't be farting near the fireplace.

That is uncanny... becuase I have been doing that all day and blaming the dog :)

Quote: Marc P @ February 24 2012, 3:25 PM GMT

Considers posting that image of L.E. but decides wisdom is the better part of valour! :)


God damn internet!

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