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Quote: keewik @ February 21 2012, 11:38 PM GMT

Da Butt - so sorry to hear this. Must be really worrying for you.

Thanks; I can't visualize any sort of happy ending.

My son-in-law is a likable guy who is a great father with a good job and my daughter has been able to stay at home with the baby. My daughter is going to have to find a job in the worst economy in a century, live in a crappy apartment and put the baby in a daycare center all day. She has a serious medical condition that is worsened by stress and I expect it to flare up and possibly keep her from holding down a job.

The best thing my daughter could do would be to move in with me here in Texas. I have 3 empty bedrooms and could afford to allow her and the baby to live here indefinitely. That being the case, it would be terrible to move the baby 1500 miles away from his father. The father's parents are wealthy enough that they may pay for a hot lawyer and attempt to wrestle the baby away from my daughter. Everyone is going to lose when all is said and done.

Quote: DaButt @ February 21 2012, 6:28 PM GMT

I'm in shock after receiving an e-mail from my daughter that says she and her husband are separating. I already had plans to fly out there Friday to visit them and my grandson; now it's going to be an uncomfortable weekend instead of an enjoyable one. :(

Oh dear.
Hope it all unfolds amicably Dabutt.

Oh god! That is all truly awful. I wish you all the good luck possible.

They might just be celebrating the death of a neighborhood pet, but I swear that a pack of coyotes is out there howling in response to a fire truck's siren. Two of my least-favourite sounds.

Quote: AJGO @ February 21 2012, 9:10 PM GMT

Seeing as they're bastarding bastards, I'm sure they could overcome that fear in order to take large amounts of money for a tiny dank space

Please, please be careful with taking a cash deposit anywhere, especially alone. There have been a number of scams on Gumtree which are just set ups for a brutal mugging. Make sure everyone is legit, let people know where and when you are going somewhere and if the situation feels 'wrong', get the hell out as quickly as possible.

Quote: DaButt @ February 21 2012, 7:18 PM GMT

Yeah, two years ago. I'm hoping this is just a case of baby fatigue and newlywed-itis and they'll realize that they're better off together than apart. Her husband is a great guy.

This is going to suck. :(

Dude, that sucks major donkey balls. As you've said, it might just be the fatigue of having a new baby, not getting proper sleep, being around each other too much, financial worries and just general stress.

After being drawn into other people's relationship problems, I can only give you one piece of advice. Don't offer any advice. Just nod your head sympathetically and mutter 'yeah' in a non-committal fashion.

I really hope it works out for your daughter and son-in-law amigo.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ February 22 2012, 1:18 AM GMT

Please, please be careful with taking a cash deposit anywhere, especially alone.

I would never meet a stranger for a cash transaction. But I'm a liar, because a few months ago my friend sold a truck to a sketchy Mexican guy from Houston so three of us accompanied him with pistols in pockets. I can only assume that the Mexicans were packing, too.

I think police stations should allow people to make such transactions in their lobbies to avoid robberies and bloodshed in situations like these.

Dude, that sucks major donkey balls. As you've said, it might just be the fatigue of having a new baby, not getting proper sleep, being around each other too much, financial worries and just general stress.

To be honest, it's my daughter's fault. She says she's not in love with him anymore and wants to end the relationship. It's difficult supporting her because the man in me thinks she's committing a grievous wrong. Most of all, I'm worried that she'll realize her mistake when it's too late to fix things.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ February 22 2012, 1:18 AM GMT

Please, please be careful with taking a cash deposit anywhere, especially alone. There have been a number of scams on Gumtree which are just set ups for a brutal mugging. Make sure everyone is legit, let people know where and when you are going somewhere and if the situation feels 'wrong', get the hell out as quickly as possible.

Aw, ta. Never take cash anywhere but yeah, is scary, whenever I have to move I'm always quite shocked (even though I don't think I'm a particularly naive person (but then no-one ever does do they?!)) by how the renting classes are so unprotected and expected to fend for themselves- not that I think govt should supply for everyone, but if you don't have a certain amount of money you're so on your own, down to basic safety and keeping a roof over your head

Quote: DaButt @ February 22 2012, 1:30 AM GMT

To be honest, it's my daughter's fault. She says she's not in love with him anymore and wants to end the relationship. It's difficult supporting her because the man in me thinks she's committing a grievous wrong. Most of all, I'm worried that she'll realize her mistake when it's too late to fix things.

It's a shame that a child is involved, otherwise it would be a cut and dry situation. Again, I wish you best of luck and you have my sympathy.

Quote: AJGO @ February 22 2012, 1:33 AM GMT

Aw, ta. Never take cash anywhere but yeah, is scary, whenever I have to move I'm always quite shocked (even though I don't think I'm a particularly naive person (but then no-one ever does do they?!))

It's not just you, I think we've all been scammed at some point in our lives. The rental property market is a horrible environment, especially in London. Travelling half way across the capital at night, just for the landlord to do a no-show is despicable, especially if you are travelling to some scary bits of London to look at affordable flats.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ February 22 2012, 1:36 AM GMT

It's a shame that a child is involved, otherwise it would be a cut and dry situation. Again, I wish you best of luck and you have my sympathy.

Thanks. I'm of the opinion that wedding rings should dispense a 5-year dose of contraceptive. Better yet, the human body needs to evolve to the point that an individual's semen is rejected by a woman's immune system until after 5 years of repeated exposure.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ February 22 2012, 1:41 AM GMT

It's not just you, I think we've all been scammed at some point in our lives. The rental property market is a horrible environment, especially in London. Travelling half way across the capital at night, just for the landlord to do a no-show is despicable, especially if you are travelling to some scary bits of London to look at affordable flats.

One of my online friends lost more than $5000 to this piece of trash:

Quote: DaButt @ February 22 2012, 1:42 AM GMT

Thanks. I'm of the opinion that wedding rings should dispense a 5-year dose of contraceptive. Better yet, the human body needs to evolve to the point that an individual's semen is rejected by a woman's immune system until after 5 years of repeated exposure.

Oh DaButt, you and your sterialisation - it's the answer to everything with you. ;)

Unfortunately, an entire industry has arisen to sell us unobtainable expections of marriage. Then another industry, mainly legal, has arisen to make money for when those expectations fail.

If however, your daughter has properly fallen out of love with her husband and there is no chance for a reconcilliation, then it might be best if the child wasn't raised in such a loveless atmosphere.

Anyway, I'm not following my own advice. 'Yeah, not good'

*shakes head non-committally*

Quote: DaButt @ February 22 2012, 1:44 AM GMT

One of my online friends lost more than $5000 to this piece of trash:

5 grand?! Jebus!

Quote: DaButt @ February 22 2012, 1:44 AM GMT

One of my online friends lost more than $5000 to this piece of trash:

F**king hell. Poor guy. I think this every time I go to see a place; 'there is absolutely nothing I can do if I give you all my money and when I turn up to move in you don't open the door'
Not nice.

Hhi dabutt you have my sympathy sounds awful

Also how long ago did she have the kid? As it sounds like post natal depression. If its not to intefering I'd try and work our if the marriage is really over.

Besides what's so bad about puting up for the sake of the kid?

I'm with Renegade and Sootyj - First - avoid giving advice, but do listen. Second - could be postnatal depression; I remember when my first son was about 2 months old, lying in bed one morning, thinking I had no feelings for anybody - luckily it passed.

Maybe it's like she said, she just doesn't love him anymore. It's sad, but it happens, and loveless marriages aren't always a great place for a child.

What's love got to do with it?

Seriously the purile pursuit of emotional satisfaction is the ultimate short term expression of narcissim.

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