This show is seriously missing Mitchell's regular rants. I'm not overly impressed with the cosy round table discussions. Yes, they're all very nicey-nicey with a comforting 'aren't they all great showbiz mates' vibe, but it's just not bringing the funny.
Carr's material is beginning to emerge as the weakest of the group. Aside from the Whitney Houston bath joke, it was all pretty much a tedious waste of time and his targets were far too obvious. The Murdoch as a lizard monster could have been brilliant, but once again, it lacked satrical bite.
And whilst I'm glad they've given Lauren something to do with her explaining things bit - like the Cultural Olympiad - I'd rather have another Brooker or Mitchell anger fest.
Similarly, the Question Time round table discussion is just descending into a farce - and not the funny kind. They never have enough time to fully discuss the topic, the audience claps the most 'right on' commentator and it usually descends into a shouting match / crowd pandering competition.
It's a shame that such an exciting concept with some very talented people involved has become about as controversial as watching Dad's Army in your slippers whilst sipping a nice cup of tea.