Kev F
Sunday 12th February 2012 6:18pm [Edited]
689 posts
Thanks to everyone who came along to today's Bristol Sitcom Trials meeting at
the Oxford Totterdown - oh and thanks to Vince for being in charge of the
meeting despite my overbearing presence (don't worry everyone, I go to Australia
on Wednesday, you'll be shot of me for a month). Bring new meaning to the words
focus and out of, I took some very poor photos...
Photos and full blog
I know. But you can possibly glimpse through the camera shudder brand new
potential group members Elf, Viv, Robin, Tom, James, Janna and Luke. Just out of
shot were Sarit (of the old London team, thanks for making the journey), Angie
(of the last Bristol team, welcome back), Mel, Linda, Lorna, John and Gary, and
of course Vince (Stadon, the new producer) and myself, plus two writers who were
long-suffering enough to have us read out their scripts, Ted (from Bristol) and
Oliver who had schlepped down to Bristol all the way from Catterick. That's
right, Catterick.
I hope Ted, Oliver and Angie benefitted from hearing their scripts (respectively
Social, You've Missed A Bit and Totterdown Neighbourhood Watch) given a blind
round-table reading. We also gave a reading to Vic Gore's Bewilderment. I look
forward to hearing the group's feedback on everything they heard. Amongst other
things I learned about The Bechdel Test which, I think, two thirds of today's
scripts failed. But don't worry, that's not a problem for getting into the
Trials (most sitcoms fail the test I believe).
I hope I didn't take over too much at the meeting and that everyone wants to
stay on board to be part of the Bristol team. I look forward to seeing the
fruits of your labours when I return in March. Meantime, if everyone wants to
stay in touch, might I recommend joining:
- The SitsVac eGroup (where you can upload and download the scripts that will be
contenders to be in the show)
- The British Comedy Guide Forum (where you can talk to fellow writers and where
you might prefer to post your script reviews)
- The Sitcom Trials Facebook group (speaks for itself)
+ subscribe to the Sitcom Trials blog, which is where everything I post appears
See you all soon
Kev F
The Sitcom Trials
Quote: turbo penguin @ February 12 2012, 2:37 AM GMT
Basically you want a cms (content management system) like wordpress and a talented young whippersnapper to code a custom theme for you.
Yes. Whatever you just said.
Quote: ShirleyMcFurley @ February 12 2012, 2:16 AM GMT
I could possibly help in a temporary sort of way if you don't get any better offers
It wouldn't be bells and whistles but would def be better than the yahoo group
. I'll pm you tomorrow.
Okay. Forgive me if I don't reply immediately, I fly to Adelaide on Wednesay and have things to sort before then. But many thanks both.