Isn't that Mrs Brown?
Who do you fancy? Page 762
Quote: dellas @ February 8 2012, 12:46 PM GMTYes, RC I began this debate so hardly fair to evacuate now is it? I assure you I 'don't love it' you are some what deluded in your beliefs. Indeed I wouldn't
purport to 'understanding' your 'world view' on feminism and equal rights in the 20 century, so kindly refrain from predicting mine.
Um, 21st century, but let's not dwell on that.
Wrong, you and rwayne 'love it', you get to stand on your little soap boxes and tell us all off for being naughty, vulgar boys who tell rude jokes. You two hang around this thread far too often for it be otherwise.
You want to crusade for women's rights, good for you, stop Somalis from circumcising their women or campaign against sex trafficked teenagers from Eastern Europe - but don't come on here and think you are making a jot of difference.
Whether you find the humour 'sophisticated' or not isn't really my concern. Trying to stop other people enjoying some harmless fun is my concern.
Quote: dellas @ February 8 2012, 12:46 PM GMTYes, RC I began this debate so hardly fair to evacuate now is it? I assure you I 'don't love it' you are some what deluded in your beliefs. Indeed I wouldn't
purport to 'understanding' your 'world view' on feminism and equal rights in the 20 century, so kindly refrain from predicting mine.Roo, you have negated a major factor in your argument, Men own and run the Porn business -women are just a commodity, the sooner you understand this dichotomy the more you will understand the politics of subjectivism at its most basic level.
My point isn't that it's not. My point is to assume that men who look at women in sexy images automatically think of all women as sex objects is just as sexist and offensive and to be uncomfortable on behalf women who have chosen to pose or act in a certain way rather than being forced into it doesn't help them.
Believing in equal rights both ways does not make me a misogynist sympathiser. As a feminist I just prefer not to throw claims of sexism out willy nilly, especially when there is real injustice against women in the world. I highly doubt women in the Congo for example are worried about RC looking at jugs.
I'm not saying there is no sexism in the sex industry. Of course there is. But the issue being raised here is men looking at pictures of willing women who posed for pictures in a mostly 15 rated way and assuming that because they do, they are all sexist pigs who think little of women.
Quote: sootyj @ February 8 2012, 12:49 PM GMTPersonally I absolutely loath how many TV shows are presented by twinkly old bloke and bubbly totty. Fearing the day the crystal in her palm turns black.
Another way to look at that one was that the old bloke had to drudge for forty years to get that far whereas the totty just had to flash her legs at the interview and is on a nice little earner right up until she leaves to have kids.
It is not equality, but I am not sure which gender is getting the worse deal.
Quote: sootyj @ February 8 2012, 1:05 PM GMTIsn't that Mrs Brown?
Nope. It's Alice Barry of Shameless. Quality bit of mature stuff.
Quote: Timbo @ February 8 2012, 1:08 PM GMTAnother way to look at that one was that the old bloke had to drudge for forty years to get that far whereas the totty just had to flash her legs at the interview and is on a nice little earner right up until she leaves to have kids.
It is not equality, but I am not sure which gender is getting the worse deal.
You're drinking the devil's advocaat?
Sorry, this thread is far too serious for my liking now so I am going to have to post this.

Quote: Nigel Kelly @ February 8 2012, 1:08 PM GMTNope. It's Alice Barry of Shameless. Quality bit of mature stuff.
She's rather pretty in that photo, has it been retouched?
Quote: sootyj @ February 8 2012, 1:18 PM GMTShe's rather pretty in that photo
Quote: rwayne @ February 8 2012, 12:39 PM GMTIf a woman chooses (which, of course, she has every right to do) to pose naked for pictures - fine and I've no doubt that she would be prepared for responses
from certain people. She's 'signed up' for that.
If a woman has a career as a TV presenter she hasn't...and to have men describe what they imagine her genitals look like is not what she, reasonably, expects to happen. It doesn't, obviously, detract from her but the man who says it.
Now I know that people will also choose to become hugely defensive with people who disagree with what someone else says on an internet forum... but to suggest that someone is 'humourless' or 'a killjoy' for not finding what they spout is, clearly, ridiculous.
It's easy and very lazy to say that people don't 'get' your joke and it's their fault because they don't have a sense of humour. The fact is we DO get the 'joke' and it's just not funny. I've seen things written on here that people are dressing up as 'edgy' or 'ironic' that I have heard said 35 years ago in the school playground and it wasn't funny then.
Maybe before the 'warriors' on here decide they want to jump all over me (though
it's more sly little digs now because they don't seem to have the confidence to say what they mean, directly to me) think of this...
If you have to use the little cartoon faces to 'explain' that what you're
saying is meant to be funny...perhaps, just maybe, then it's not funny.
He get's me every time.
Quote: Renegade Carpark @ February 8 2012, 1:07 PM GMTUm, 21st century, but let's not dwell on that.
Wrong, you and rwayne 'love it', you get to stand on your little soap boxes and tell us all off for being naughty, vulgar boys who tell rude jokes. You two hang around this thread far too often for it be otherwise.
You want to crusade for women's rights, good for you, stop Somalis from circumcising their women or campaign against sex trafficked teenagers from Eastern Europe - but don't come on here and think you are making a jot of difference.
Whether you find the humour 'sophisticated' or not isn't really my concern. Trying to stop other people enjoying some harmless fun is my concern.
Thank you for mentioning me, by name, this time. (The sly little digs at me when you don't mention my name were getting a little tiresome)
Once again you really don't seem to be able to keep to the point and just because you say things like "You two hang around this thread far too often for it [to] be otherwise" is a conclusion YOU have drawn. A conclusion (like lots of your conclusions) which has no basis or evidence to back it up.
You do have the most singular gift of blaming everyone else for everything:
If someone doesn't like what you say it's our fault because we don't 'get it'
Presumably that same attitude you have when you have your scripts returned to you ie. Boo hoo everything on TV is crap and I'm much funnier than all those people and nobody in TV knows what they are doing boo hoo
That attitude is going to get you nowhere.
I do LOVE however how you do like to align yourself with the likes of Frankie Boyle and Stewart Lee makes your endless list of puerile knob gags
so much more edgy.
Quote: JohnnyD @ February 8 2012, 1:22 PM GMTWhat is the politics of subjectivism?
(Google didn't give a quick answer.)
Subjectivism is when you look at a topic and see it from your own view point based on your ideals and beliefs. It's the opposite of objectiveness so the politics of it is merely based on your own viewpoint, not that of someone elses.
Roo, maybe I was too succinct in my explanation, as you appear to have totally 'missed the prime point', I really have nothing further to add, except perhaps Rwayne has attempted to make a few cogent points.
I shall leave you to enjoy the cesspit of your joyless thread, I trust your Mother, daughter, sister never happens across it.
Freedom of speech and intelligent comedy lives here!.
Good grief can't we just agree everybody masturbates, just not about the same thing or at the same time?
Quote: Matthew Stott @ February 8 2012, 1:20 PM GMT
Quote: sootyj @ February 8 2012, 1:31 PM GMTHomo.