Some of the things on this thread would make Gary Glitter blush.
Who do you fancy? Page 755

Quote: Jamey @ February 6 2012, 11:17 PM GMT
Pat Butcher before she went blonde?
Don't speak ill of the dead!
I feel having Gary Glitter on "Who do you fancy" is a bit wrong somehow.
Look at Kevin Murphy's last post in this thread.
There's a pic of Gary Glitter in a pink. Then look at the peachy rear below the pink top on his avatar.
Has the latter image been ruined forever?
Quote: Tuumble @ February 7 2012, 4:08 PM GMTHas the latter image been ruined forever?
That's even worse than the Ricky Gervais / David Beckham comparison. LOL!
Quote: Renegade Carpark @ February 6 2012, 8:20 PM GMTDon't get me wrong lofthouse, 95% of the time she looks great, but that might be because she is surrounded by women not quite as attractive.
When the hot upstairs neighbour moved in briefly and caught all the boys' attention, there was a noticeable difference in the attractiveness stakes.
Having said all that - hubba, hubba!
Is this Lulu?
Quote: Renegade Carpark @ February 6 2012, 6:26 PM GMTMan, do people type this stuff in just to get a reaction from me?
There is obviously a huge gulf in self esteem between myself and Chappers. I choose not one, but two gorgeous women in the late 20s, who also happen to be incredibly rich and real life royalty with yachts, castles and private jets.
Chappers chooses an old, fat estate agent who likes sewing. Come on Chappers, reach higher, go for gold.
He could have at least given us a choice on middle aged presenters who do property programmes.
But one of them is naturally sexy without having to flash her bits.
Am I the only one who can't look at Kirstie Allsopp without wondering what her genitals look like?
Genuine question.
I have the same problem with Julia Bradbury.
I thought all ladies ladies-bits looked the same?
Quote: Kevin Murphy @ February 7 2012, 4:40 PM GMTAm I the only one who can't look at Kirstie Allsopp without wondering what her genitals look like?
Er, probably.
Quote: AngieBaby @ February 7 2012, 4:45 PM GMTI thought all ladies ladies-bits looked the same?
*shakes head emphaticallY*
Quote: AngieBaby @ February 7 2012, 4:45 PM GMTI thought all ladies ladies-bits looked the same?
I'm not so much wondering what they look like... it's just something about their faces that make me think of vag.
Charlie Brooker once remarked that Bradbury "looked a bit dirty", so I figured he was experiencing the same thing.
Oh yes...I'm not overly concerned about what his nether regions look like...he's all man to me.