Cleanest image I could find
I don't reccomend googling Henry Hoover Hentai
There are some sick and I suspect sore people out there.
Cleanest image I could find
I don't reccomend googling Henry Hoover Hentai
There are some sick and I suspect sore people out there.
There's taking the piss and then there's taking the piss !
It's a tie FFS !
I have a friend who is obsessed with stuff, he bought some baby grows covered in the logo. Dread to think of the price.
Quote: AJGO @ February 1 2012, 6:24 PM GMThttp://www.guardian.co.uk/artanddesign/gallery/2012/jan/31/moscow-banksy-p183-in-pictures
Which also leads to: http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2006/sep/18/arts.artsnews?INTCMP=ILCNETTXT3487
This reminds me that I need to visit the pistol range in the near future.
Twitter is trending ~RIP Eddie Murphy.
I strongly bet he is alive.
On separate news I have some red wine. This stuff really knocks me sideways these days.
Ooh, to go with a cigar? Nice.
It's been RIP somebody every day recently. (All of whom are alive).
Quote: AJGO @ February 3 2012, 7:19 PM GMTOoh, to go with a cigar? Nice.
You know what, yes I probably will later.
Quote: DaButt @ February 3 2012, 5:40 PM GMTThis reminds me that I need to visit the pistol range in the near future.
Nice to seem them wearing adequate hearing protection.
My neighbor just texted a photo of a box of fine cigars that he just bout for Sunday's Super Bowl party.
Just heard this on Jack radio:
"I went to the Doctor's with a hearing problem.. and when he asked me to describe the symptoms, I said: "Well.. Homer's bald and Marge has got blue hair.."
Felt something in my ear early thursday morning, tried to get it out but just pushed it further in.
Thought it would come lose naturally in the next couple of days, it didn't, told my girlfriend tonight and she told me to go to get it sorted AS SOON AS POSSIBLE so it doesn't get infected. She's a trainee nurse so I trust her opinion, plus I'm a paranoid hypochondriac, so there was no chance of me waiting until the morning.
Just got back from a&e. I thought it would be some ear wax...it was a f**king cigarette filter.
I need to sort my life out.