Thursday 17th January 2008 2:21am [Edited]
453 posts
As one might expect, I have arrived!!
I shall address some of the points the best that I can.
EATING BABIES. The majority or piglets and lambs that are slaughtered are around the 16 - 20 wk old mark. In my book that's a baby. They act like babies, play like babies and run for cover to thier mum (in the unlikely event that she's available)just like any other baby that I've ever encountered.
BLEEDING ANIMALS TO DEATH. All fowl and mammals in this country that are meant for the meat trade are bled to death. They may, in the case of the captive bolt, for instance, be fatally injured but this is not the normal cause of death.
STUNNING PRE-SLAUGHTER. Based on the experiences of human victims of torture who have sustained something best described as the same or similar to animals that are 'stunned' pre-slaughter it is common for them to describe a paralysis without loss of sensation. That is to say, they felt the pain but were incapable of indicating that.
FORCING ONES OPPINION ON ANOTHER. Indeed it is a frightfull state of affairs when one person's view point is forced on another. I hope that every black that subscribes to this forum will support the right of the Ku Klux Klan to burn their crosses, express theire oppinion and in doing so express their right to threaten them. I hope that ever Jew will support free speech for the Nazi party and every woman will recognise the right of a man to treat her as he will.
FLUSHING KITTENS DOWN THE TOILET. If one decides to take the stance that it's ok to flush that which is surplus away then we must be reasonable in that thought process.
The girl babies that are problematic to the Chinese should be left to die. The starving black babies should die. You might call it a tidy up.
IF YOU WERE HUNGRY DURING THE WAR THEN YOU'D EAT IT. Mate, if I were hungry enought then I'd eat you and your babies - but I'm not. That is the point.
I live with animals and, like your good selves, am an animal. I have existed without eating them for many, many years and will defend my stance to the last. That stance might mean that I would defend you, as an animal, for which I may be deeply sorry. But I will defend you, non the less.