Bob Hicks
Thursday 26th January 2012 1:30pm [Edited]
405 posts
Tim your post was excellent and informative 
There seems to be two types of comedy viewer. Those that like to comfort eat the "classic" recipes, which is ideally non-offensive and family friendly.....AND then the Comedy Nazi who will only contemplate digesting something cooked up by a comedy Heston Blumenthal: "We want funny but it has to taste new and different".
Personally I like to binge from both tables. I know many wanna-be comedy writers and comedians whose brains shut down after forming a premature evaluation. They say something is rubbish without really giving it a chance. Many "great classic" comedies took a season or three to really get going. The viewer seems to have a shorter attention span than in years gone by and appears to demand instant classics. This is as much to blame for the so called "lack of good comedies" as is the TV commisioners in my opinion.
Why does something need to be dressed up as "fresh and daring" in order to be given a chance? I have tried to recommend stuff to friends who have been VERY dismissive and refused point blank to watch it saying somthing like "Nah, it looks rubbish. Not my cup of tea.", etc, etc. Then six to twelve months later they are raving about the very same show as if it was their very own discovery...WTF?
I remember watching Red Dwarf when it first aired. I had taped it from day one. I could not pay people to borrow my tapes and give it a shot! Then suddenly everyone seems to love it - ironically when I personally thought the show had gone downhill.
My point being is that just as much as the TV channels/companies want something new but appear to play it safe - I think the same can be said of many a comedy viewer. Both need to take risks in order to find that new comedy goldmine. Forming an opinion about a certain style of sitcom or comedian closes your window of opportunity in actually finding something funny in the first place.
At the risk of being heckled: I can find both McIntyre and Boyle very funny. I can also find them not funny some of the time....