Quote: zooo @ January 27 2012, 8:58 PM GMT
I loved Millican's bit on cats.
I just stared at the screen blankly as she told her story about chasing cats under cars so she can stroke them. This sounded like the most bizarre, freaky, scary and creepy thing I'd ever heard. How desperate for love are you that you'd 'attack' strangers pets for affection?
The rest of the show passed pleasantly enough, though Gabby's short skirt meant I spent half the show trying to have a crafty look. I also liked her impressions of shop girls and Olympic haters.
Now, where this show falls down compared to the old format is the 'to and fro' between guest and presenter. On the old Room 101, a guest would put forward something innocuous and then both parties would have a heated debate about the validity of the choice. Sometimes the guest would win, sometimes the host, but the whole thing was thrashed out in no uncertain terms.
Caligula Skinner now gets to give the thumbs up and down in a more arbitrary fashion and his choices often pander to the audience.