Friday 6th January 2012 2:17pm
Royal Berkshire
69,993 posts
I just watched the 2 new episodes last night and really enjoyed them. However...
Laughter I agree was a little overdone in places. There was more than one point where I thought I'd missed something because I couldn't work out what people were laughing at. That's just a risk with bringing much-loved shows back though, not a fault of Absolutely Fabulous or its producers. Pity that some of those laughs couldn't be edited out, but heyho.
I'd also agree with sentiments that the shows were slightly patchy. Overall they were good episodes, but it did feel that there was a lot of less amusing fluffy filler with only a handful of big laughs scattered around them at times.
And so the nature of the show itself... Over the past 6 weeks I've watched the entire series from start to finish, much for the first time, and I found the first 3 series (1992 - 1995) to be notably superior to the latter. They really lampooned those ridiculous celebrity indulgences and new age fads, and seemed to really quite ruthlessly focus on and rip one particular one apart per episode.
Since the 2001 revival however, there's been far less of this focussed bite; instead it's a more general jab at the cult of celebrity and some of its excesses, hidden around the Monsoon family - which has become the focus, rather than illustrating the collateral damage as in the past. As I came to the end of 2004's White Box and prepared to settle down to Identity I was rather hoping the new episodes would revert to the old formula, but alas not. There were some great jabs at current trends, but the discussion about the Kar- whatever, whoever they are, felt like it had been dropped in at the last minute because Saunders realised she didn't have enough contemporary references in the script, rather than because that's the kind of thing the show was originally squarely focussed on.
Perhaps a revival special isn't the best place to rip a specific trend apart in the manner the early series did, but still a bit of a shame I thought. The Olympics episode ... well, potentially, that could be a return to form...