Damn - have failed to placate things by putting up a picture of Todd... shall have to try a hot woman next time. Stupid mainly men on the internet forums!
Who do you fancy? Page 738
Quote: roscoff @ January 24 2012, 1:33 PM GMTAu contraire I have found exactly the opposite. Especially in the workplace.
Silence roscoff! Sexism only goes one way around here!
Quote: EllieJP @ January 24 2012, 1:37 PM GMTDamn - have failed to placate things by putting up a picture of Todd... shall have to try a hot woman next time. Stupid mainly men on the internet forums!
In my experience (everyone's going to have a different one) women tend to be bitchy about say, women who've had a lot of plastic surgery and look a bit ridiculous, or women who've turned orange, or women who dress bizarrely, or sluttishly (in their opinion).
Whereas men can get utterly vitriolic about a woman they deem ugly or fat. 'How dare she be on my telly/newspaper when she looks like that'. Why kick a woman while she's down? It's weird.
None of the above are particularly pleasant, but like I said, generally, I've found that it's often men who say the worst things. If we're comparing.
Some salutary observations.
My mum when she was younger worked in a typing pool. They mostly bitched about each other all day (her words). When she became a PA and worked with men she said it was like a different world.
Our infant staff are all women and it's like World War Three down there. Our juniors are 50/50 and it's an excellent place to work.
Well maybe you're employing the wrong women!
I've worked in a couple of places that were all women and I don't remember any bitching. It was really bloody boring actually. Mostly talk about weddings and babies.
I've found women tend to be nasty about looks and quite silly things... it's the men who are demeaning about the abilities of women in the work place.
Quote: zooo @ January 24 2012, 1:45 PM GMTI've worked in a couple of places that were all women and I don't remember any bitching. It was really bloody boring actually. Mostly talk about weddings and babies.
Oooh they're my favourite!
Quote: zooo @ January 24 2012, 1:41 PM GMTWhereas men can get utterly vitriolic about a woman they deem ugly or fat. 'How dare she be on my telly/newspaper when she looks like that'. Why kick a woman while she's down? It's weird.
We can only kick them when they're down because we celebrate them when they're up. Women trade on their looks much more then men and receive far more attention and success then their other talents demand.
EDIT - Not all women, I am generalising.
Women have used their looks and sexuality throughout history to get ahead and still do today.
Case in point - Jordan / Katie Price.
As the saying goes 'You can't have it both ways'.
Quote: Renegade Carpark @ January 24 2012, 1:56 PM GMT'You can't have it both ways'.

Yes, but most women aren't trying to 'have it both ways'. With that you're treating all women as if they have one hive mind.
Miranda, for example is very much not trading on her looks, but because Katie Price has, you're punishing Miranda for that?
It's just odd.
I once worked in a female dominated office where I was the only straight male. I have never had so much attention, but frankly I don't think it was about me, it was more to do with scoring points over the other women - and enlisting me as an ally in their personal feuds; sisterly solidarity was notable by its absence.
I have also worked in an all male office, which was better in that there was no backstabbing, but there was a lot of seeing who could piss highest up the wall.
I now work in an office in which both genders are represented equally; everyone gets along fine.
Quote: zooo @ January 24 2012, 2:00 PM GMTMiranda, for example is very much not trading on her looks, but because Katie Price has, you're punishing Miranda for that?
Yes, I am punishing rich, famous and successful Miranda Hart by pointing out her physical flaws - the same ones that she uses as the backbone for her comedy. How will the multi-award winning star recover from such an onslaught?
First Frankie Boyle gets sacked for making fun of a successful, white, Olympic medal winning swimmer with a model boyfriend and now me - for mocking a woman with lots of talent and money.
Will no one defend these rich celebrities?!
I should be locked up!
The real tragedy here is everyone ignoring my expertly deployed 'That's what she said' post.
It was wonderful, Stott. Bravo!