Godot Taxis
Saturday 21st January 2012 9:37am
5,760 posts
Quote: RubyMae - Glamourous Snowdrop @ January 21 2012, 2:32 AM GMT
Firstly, I take it from this your assumption is that RC hasn't. How would you feel if he had turned around and said yes? Some people do deal with the darkest details of their lives with humour. Just look at Richard Pryor, Lenny Bruce, Bill Hicks, Joan Rivers, and Sarah Silverman.
Sorry but it's painfully obvious that RC's responses come from the fantasy island of never having experienced any of those things.
I would guess the only reason he's still got all his teeth and isn't wearing a permanent neck brace is because he's a big tall feller.
Quote: RubyMae - Glamourous Snowdrop @ January 21 2012, 2:32 AM GMT
Secondly, all humour offends at least someone and he is not even the first person to make roofie jokes on this forum, let alone on TV and in comedy clubs. I myself have made them and I myself have been spiked. I was lucky I was not raped but it was unpleasant and it was due to some great friends that I got the medical help I needed. No it not in itself exactly humourous but people are going to, like other great issues of the world, make sick jokes.
If you feel it's unpleasant, no one will take that away from you. Of course not. But RC never meant it as a personal attack and having a go at someone on a comedy forum for posting a sick joke is a bit like having a pop at someone for posting annoying LOLcats on a forum called "I likez fluffy tings I does".
That's right, f**kbreath, all humour offends someone.
But it's best if you want to get a laugh and get laid to avoid talking about certain things. I once had a go at you for writing a sketch in which a baby was killed (run over I think but you will refresh my memory). I would fight for your right to write whatever you please but I'd urge you to weigh the effect of what you're saying carefully. What's the point of being cruel for the sake of it - you just come across like a loser.
My problem with;
Quote: Renegade Carpark @ January 20 2012, 1:16 PM GMT
Come on zooo, you know my views on Rohypnol - it's expensive, you have to drug the right girls drink, then you have to lug their semi-concious carcass into a cab (more money), then you have to drag their bloated body up a set of steps, undress them and then do all the work sexually. Plus you have to keep burning them with cigarettes to get the appropriate responses. It's a mugs game.
is not the subject matter but the tone. There are too many details - 'bloated body' - 'burning them with cigarettes' that flush away any potential humour. I'm sure RC doesn't care in the least how people regard him but writing like this reveals more than I think he realises. In another post he talks about coming on someone's 'bruised and crying face' - not exactly nuanced comedy misogyny so much as... misogyny.
As for his comment about attention seeking - quite ironic. It's harder to imagine anyone more attention seeking than him - except perhaps Me