It was this article in the Guardian that made me think about self-publishing on Amazon Kindle last weekend.
Since then I've published 10 books (no, seriously, look I have, mostly by digging out my old Sitcom Trials scripts and comic strips and putting them out there.
I've sold 5 books so far (ie 1 copy of each of 5 books), so I won't be bidding for Stephen King's house yet. But the stories of other peoples success are enticing.
I agree that professional publishing, with the marketing and editing that that entails, is a very different kettle of fish. But given that 99.9% of manuscripts get rejected by all major publishers (and many more don't even get read since most publishers won't look at work that doesn't come via an agent) this is a very good way of trying to reach your public directly. And if you've written something that people turn out to want to read (in the way that I obviously haven't yet) it could take off. And you have control over it, rather than having to wait for some posh snob at a publishers to tell you where to go.
Kev F
PS: Bristol Sitcom Trials first meeting is tomorrow (Friday 20th),get in touch with Vince Stadon if you're interested in contributing.