I am trying to remember the name of a sitcom about three doctors in private practice. One was a conservative doctor who only saw wealthy private patients and one was a new-agey doctor who used meditation and marijuana, and the new guy was a doctor who was just trying to do his best with all the eccentric patients they got. The theme tune was a cheerful bouncy number played by a female quartet with saxophone etc.
I have a feeling this was remade or something similar not long ago. But this was late eighties, early nineties I THINK.
The new-agey doctor looked a bit like David Collings, but it wasn't that actor. Sorry to be so vague.
Very very British. Definitely a sitcom as there was a lot of class and wee jokes. One time the Conservative doctor was doing a radio interview/talk show and (horrors) the new guy had to go see one of his wealthy private patients. This (very camp) gentleman was having trouble with "number ones" and the new doctor had to ring the conservative doctor up while on the radio to ask his advice. His advice was to run the bath tap and think about waterfalls.
Not one of the "Doctor in" series with Robin Nedwell and not "Don't Wait Up". I enjoyed them too.
They broke the fourth wall in one episode when a quartet of 'nurses' played the theme tune at the end of the show. But breaking the fourth wall was not usual.
Anybody able to help? Thanks.