Sitcom Trials Bristol 2012 - actors & writers wanted
The Sitcom Trials is about to return to Bristol in 2012, would you like to be part of it?
Vince Stadon (author of one of 2011's winners of the Manchester Sitcom Trials, Checkpoint Dave) has taken hold of the reins of Producer for The Sitcom Trials spring season in Bristol and is interested in hearing from actors who would like to perform comedy, and writers who would like to see their comedy performed.
Contact Vince at stadonclan@hotmail.com and he'll be in touch about planned meetings and shows in Bristol. Oh, and I'll be involved too, how could I resist?

The first Sitcom Trials took place in Bristol (and very shortly after in London) in 1999, and our ITV series was broadcast live from the HTV Studios in Bristol in 2003. The last Bristol Sitcom Trials was way back in September 2005 so, following the success of the recent London & Manchester seasons, it's ripe for a revival.

If you need reminding about the fine work of The Sitcom Trials in the past, check out the videos and details at http://sitcomttrials.co.uk
Vince and I look forward to meeting a new team of comedic talents, welcome on board.
Kev F Sutherland
Executive Producer
The Sitcom Trials