Question mostly for stand-ups, this. Do you feel that there's still a difference in audience reaction to female comedians? I started on the circuit back in October and seem to receive reactions on opposite ends of the spectrum. At smaller comedy nights (those held in rooms above pubs etc.) I've been getting a really good laugh and great feedback from other comedians and promoters. At larger clubs or more "mainstream" gigs, I play to silence.
I'm aware that a big part of this is that my set isn't as "mainstream" or "accessible" as it could be (it sounds written) but I'm trying to remedy this but balancing it out with more accesible parts. But I sometimes feel that the audience's enthusiasm is dampened from the start - especially if I'm coming on after other women who maybe haven't been that good and perhaps the audience has already turned against the women on the bill.
Since I haven't been doing this long I feel like I'm not in a position to judge yet so I'd love to hear other people's thoughts. Am I just being paranoid? Promoters have offered to give me good references and encouraged me to book in at larger nights but my experience in front of those audiences has stopped me from doing this - I just presume the audience won't be up for it. Am I just imagining this because I'm nervous on stage or has anyone else noticed it?