Saturday 7th January 2012 8:56pm
Near my beloved Black Country in Wolverhampton
13,416 posts
Quote: Timbo @ January 7 2012, 7:23 PM GMT
Railway buffs of my acquaintance assure me that HS2 is an unnecessary and expensive white elephant
I think of myself as a railway buff / enthusiast and was an HS2 supporter.
However, the closer it gets the more I'm swaying away.
I would like to see more spent on the existing rail network with 140mph running the norm rather than the exception. Longer, more frequent trains. I know Network Rail say that that is not the answer, well they would wouldn't they?
And, if we are to build new track I would rather it be dedicated freight lines. I remember once standing at Dover and seeing lorries originating from Scotland coming off the ferries with their cargoes.
It should be the case that nowhere in the UK is more than 50 from a major rail freight head and, it follows, no HGV journey of more than 50 miles should be allowed.
And look at the continental loading gauge, more liberal than ours allowing double deck trains both commuter and high speed.
I could go on . . . .