British Comedy Guide

Who do you fancy? Page 728

Gok Wan;

Quote: Jamey @ January 7 2012, 11:38 AM GMT

Gok Wan;


Laughing out loud

What's a racially known as a 'chunk'.


Quote: Renegade Carpark @ January 7 2012, 12:09 PM GMT


Quote: Leevil @ January 7 2012, 12:29 PM GMT

Truffle Shuffle FTW!

He's a lawyer now. Judges always make him do it in court.

Laughing out loud I've read Gok Wans autobiography, yes he hated being fat and became bulimic. He blamed his parents overindulgence , well they had a couple of Chinese chippys in Liecester.

Natalie Robb.

Guys - Barbara or Margo?

Gals - Tom or Jerry?

I have always had a thing for Margo


Jerry! By miles!

NO woman would EVER say Tom. He was a bit of a twat to be honest. Although nice enough, and the character was perfect for the show and all that. But yeah, little bit of a dick.

Barbara, obviously.

I want all four of them

And the pig

Quote: Nil Putters @ January 7 2012, 9:27 PM GMT

Barbara, obviously.

But she would stink of pig shit Putters whereas Margo would be spotlessly clean wearing a Harrods basque and stockings!!!!

Quote: lofthouse @ January 7 2012, 9:30 PM GMT

I want all four of them

And the pig

Laughing out loud You dirdy bugger Lofty.

It would be like f**king Margaret Thatcher. And not in a good way.

Margo was obviously frigid though

Whereas Barbara probably used her home grown root veg as marital aids

Dirty bitch

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