British Comedy Guide

Who would you rather 'spend time with'?

My daughter Hollie has just asked me, "Have you ever been out with a boy?" I replied, "Yes, but only as friends - no kissing involved".

She then said, "Who would you rather go out with, Stephen Fry or Harry Hill?" and in a purely hetrosexual world (on my part certainly) that is an excellent question. On one hand you have the mental stimulation of good conversation with Stephen against the zaniness of Harry - it's a tough call. This made me think that this would be a good thread topic. We put up two people as people 'to be with' and debate who would be better. Once we exhaust that discussion we move on to another pairing.

Anyway, let's start with Stephen Fry and Harry Hill: who would you rather spend time with?

Quote: Tuumble @ December 28 2011, 11:09 AM GMT

Anyway, let's start with Stephen Fry and Harry Hill: who would you rather spend time with?

Harry, because there's a strong chance that Stephen would be depressed.

That's a hard one...I'd love to sit and watch TV with HH and see what commentary he comes up with and have a chinwag with Stephen Fry in front of a roaring fire into the wee small hours.

Stephen Fry. Definitely.

I think Hill could be every bit as interesting as Fry.

Quote: Rob H @ December 28 2011, 12:27 PM GMT

Stephen Fry. Definitely.

Not this. Fry's a bit too precious and insecure, and prone to going on about his depression. Hill's intelligent without having to prove it, fun and far less zany in real life than he his on Burp.

I would sooner poke lighted matches into my eyes than spend time with Harry Hill, so by default Stephen Fry, though I might well end up poking lighted matches into his eyes.

Surely they should.... FIGHT!

Fry would get Mon to Thu and Hill would get Fri to Sun

Youve gotta have a system


I'd pick Fry. I could drive him fairly crazy.

Did anyone see Fry putting a flat pack together on INSSW last night?!

Poor bugger looked like he was on the verge of heart failure

You can tell he's never got his hands dirty in his entire life

I felt his pain. Those flat packs are awful. They start off well but you soon find a poorly cut piece of doweling that doesn't fit in a hole, so you have to drill it but the wood is so cheap you split it and then throw the whole lot out of the window and give up on LIFE!

:) Tough choice, but Steven I think.

Plus I have flat pack to assemble. Huh?

Steven for me, plus Ikea stuff is ace !


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