Yet another game blighted with dodgy looking refereeing. The FA have a real problem that needs more than just wave after wave of ineffectual Stalinist gagging orders against coaches. They have money, they need to spend some on resolving this never ending problem. As many coaches say, they have to at least look at having a video referal system and/or a TV referee with overall power. There's a lot they can learn from sports like cricket and rugby who have gone over to TV refereeing in some measure, very successfully.
Why are the chiefs of our biggest sport so dead against this??? The refs are making mistakes that ten year olds can spot on TV, the pace of the modern game is clearly beyond them to keep up with and judge accurately, even when they're being truly unbiased. The FA are being stubborn and intransigent beyond belief, in trying to stop TV refereeing. Or FIFA or EUFA are, the increasingly authoritarian England haters we, for some bizare reason have to answer to.