British Comedy Guide

The Sitcom Mission 2012 Page 23

Won't be submitting this time around...mind you, that's what I said this time last year...

Quote: michael b @ December 1 2011, 4:37 PM GMT

OK, we've now reached the halfway point for the script deadline. I'm curious to know how everyone's getting on. Come on - put your cards on the table. Me? I've done about 9 minutes so far.

First draft written, ten more drafts to go : (

Haven't started. I'm arrogant and deluded enough to think I can tweak an existing draft in the last week and still win, and be snapped up by BBC1, 2, 3, C4, R4 Errr NBC, ABC, all of them. Even ITV! I shall today however, choose which lucky one is set for the tweaking. :)

Quote: Declan @ November 24 2011, 11:34 PM GMT

1) We always say that you should read the rules and stick to them. If you do that, you'll be in the top 10%. Then break a few and you'll be in the top 1%. Disregard them completely and you're in the bottom 20% and we'll ridicule you on this forum.

I just have a couple of questions:

I normally type with two hands but one hand is aching today - do you accept scripts typed with one hand?

I have three characters - should I add a couple more? One of them is quite tall though...

Erm... I think that's it for now - I'm only on page 68 so I may have more questions when I get nearer the end.

Hi Sarah

I'm interested to know why one of your hands is aching.

How short are the other two characters? You might get away with a couple of shorties.

I look forward to hearing how the other 120 pages go.

Cheers, Declan

Quote: Declan @ December 3 2011, 11:58 PM GMT

Hi Sarah

I'm interested to know why one of your hands is aching.

How short are the other two characters? You might get away with a couple of shorties.

I look forward to hearing how the other 120 pages go.

Cheers, Declan

You're not the first person to express an interest. I don't know why an achy hand and slightly sore knees arouses such suspicion.

My script is now reduced to a mere 4 pages - apparently size 110pt font is a bit 'shouty'.

Our latest blog is a guest article from Paul Kerensa:

And there's another date for our Introduction to Sitcom Writing workshop on January 7 and Help! I've Written a Script on January 14

Cheers, Declan

When would you need the script sent to you for the Help workshop?

Hi rich, we would need a cast list about a week before and the script about four days before.

Quote: Declan @ December 5 2011, 2:56 PM GMT

Our latest blog is a guest article from Paul Kerensa:

I would have liked to see some more pictures of him on the blog.

Are you still able to do a two week turn-around for silver feedback if I submitted this Sunday? What with Chrimbo and all. Rich : )

Quote: richiemoomoo @ December 9 2011, 6:36 PM GMT

Are you still able to do a two week turn-around for silver feedback if I submitted this Sunday? What with Chrimbo and all. Rich : )

Definitely OK for us, which gives you Chrimbo for rewrites.

Good evening, I just purchased the silver feedback and unfortunately the script isn't uploading so I shall send you an email with it attached. Thanks. Rich.

Dear Sitcom Mission, I accidentally purchased the silverback. Do you do refunds because it keeps trying to drill the missus and shit in the fridge? Thanks, Tim.

Quote: Tim Walker @ December 12 2011, 12:46 AM GMT

... it keeps trying to drill the missus and shit in the fridge?

Yes, but what does it think of the script?

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