Oh well start worrying when you crack into the Sylmarillion.
I still reckon The Hobbit is the best of the bunch.
Oh well start worrying when you crack into the Sylmarillion.
I still reckon The Hobbit is the best of the bunch.
Have you read Silmarillion?
The Hobbit is lovely.
Gonna reread War and Peace next, soon as my brain is less flu-filled
Years ago.
Not much fun.
Much preferred L Sprague du Camp
Never read any of his. Recommendations?
The Unbeheaded King trilogy, it's a fantastic little satire on the whole fantasy genre and political philosophy. Whilst being completely true the genre.
nb here's my humble tribute to Tolkien.
The Reluctant King (1985) (includes The Goblin Tower, The Clocks of Iraz and The Unbeheaded King)
Or should it include all
1.The Goblin Tower (1968)
2.The Clocks of Iraz (1971)
3."The Emperor's Fan" (1973)
4.The Fallible Fiend (1973)
5.The Unbeheaded King (1983)
6.The Honorable Barbarian (1989)
Nice sketch.
I've read the Lord of the Rings trilogy three times, but have never managed to finish Return of the King. I always find it as if Tolkein couldn't decide on an ending and so put in everyone he'd thought of.
I like my fantasy (not the Swedish twin sisters one) a bit gutsier. Always more of a Robert E. Howard fan as a boy. I'd recommend Joe Abercrombie (particularly the trilogy), Patrick Rothkuss, GRR Martin, and Scott Lynch.
Quote: Rob H @ December 8 2011, 3:13 PM GMTI've read the Lord of the Rings trilogy three times, but have never managed to finish Return of the King. I always find it as if Tolkein couldn't decide on an ending and so put in everyone he'd thought of.
I like my fantasy (not the Swedish twin sisters one) a bit gutsier. Always more of a Robert E. Howard fan as a boy. I'd recommend Joe Abercrombie (particularly the trilogy), Patrick Rothkuss, GRR Martin, and Scott Lynch.
Aw, I like that everyone gets included, cos the world is all happy and that. Haha, typing that I remembered I dreamt I whispered to a tree 'the ents are still looking for the entwives, pass it on' Must not read fantasy with a high temperature
Aye, blame the temperature if you want: I know it's merely a symptom of the incipient madness which lies within every human female.
How very dare you, I will not tolerate such sexist- oh wait, gotta go tell some passing trees a secret
Quote: AJGO @ December 8 2011, 3:36 PM GMTHow very dare you, I will not tolerate such sexist- oh wait, gotta go tell some passing trees a secret
Are you telling it about the battle of 'Elm's Deep?
Quote: Rob H @ December 8 2011, 3:37 PM GMT
Are you telling it about the battle of 'Elm's Deep?
Every which way I put it I can't make this sound not like a euphemism.. I don't get it
Quote: AJGO @ December 8 2011, 1:58 PM GMTThis?
The Reluctant King (1985) (includes The Goblin Tower, The Clocks of Iraz and The Unbeheaded King)Or should it include all
1.The Goblin Tower (1968)
2.The Clocks of Iraz (1971)
3."The Emperor's Fan" (1973)
4.The Fallible Fiend (1973)
5.The Unbeheaded King (1983)
6.The Honorable Barbarian (1989)Nice sketch.
The classic 3 are hard enough to find!
But if you like that stuff excelent.
And if it's not sacriligeous have an advantage over Pratchett in that the author seems to like and understand the genre more.
He should though, he wrote most of the later Conan books.
Will have a nosey for the Reluctant King trilogy then.
Mostly reading fantasy to delay reading my last Pratchett
Quote: AJGO @ December 8 2011, 3:45 PM GMTEvery which way I put it
I can't make this sound not like a euphemism.. I don't get it
Helm's Deep is the battle in Two Towers. An elm is a tree.
Look, I didn't say it was funny!