British Comedy Guide

What are you reading right now? Page 141

Quote: Timbo @ November 18 2011, 12:38 PM GMT

If that makes you squeamish wait until he starts talking about his cock.

As far as I'm aware his cock is unlikely to scuttle past me unexpectedly, so hopefully I'll be alright

I'm reading a book on my hero Alex Higgins titled 'Who Was Hurricane Higgins'.

Good read so far.

Quote: Timbo @ November 18 2011, 12:38 PM GMT

If that makes you squeamish wait until he starts talking about his cock.

Ah, I rather see what you meant now!

Can you guess what it is yet? oh no, that's the Rolf Harris autobiography - Sorry !

New Stephen king rather good

I just finished Other Voices, Other Rooms by Truman Capote. Fantastic.

Life, the Universe and Everything



Quote: Neillg @ November 19 2011, 6:57 PM GMT

Oh no, that's the Rolf Harris autobiography - Sorry !

I thought that was the Ronnie Corbett one..

I Partridge

Lord of the Rings.
Struggling to speak in normal sentence structure now

Quote: Will Cam @ November 29 2011, 10:58 PM GMT

I Partridge

Is that the new book on greeting game birds in a terse manner.

Sequel to aye Wood Pigeon and how do Pheasant?

Quote: AJGO @ December 8 2011, 12:59 PM GMT

Lord of the Rings.
Struggling to speak in normal sentence structure now

What for?

Am currently reading a book of Christmas stories for kids. With lots of pictures. It's ace.

Quote: sootyj @ December 8 2011, 1:04 PM GMT

What for?

Reading or speaking?

Was well pleased to see the phrase well pleased and feel like I talk classical not common :D

Reading Lord of the Rings?

It's an unusual choice is all.

Is it? I kneweth not

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