Tommy Griff
Sunday 2nd September 2018 11:53am
450 posts
Quote: Steve Charlie @ 9th November 2011, 7:27 AM
Some more death references in the show that come to mind:
- The bird in Victor's garden (was it a robin?) was sadly killed by a cat.
- Victor and Margaret had a child who died (as revealed in the episode where they could't get to sleep).
- A conversation takes place where Margaret meets someone who insists Victor is dead - when he wasn't.
- Sadly Victor is killed in the final episode in a hit and run. The driver as it turned out was a carer to her husband who also died - but of cancer.
- Margaret makes a comment in an episode (was it the first?) that the florist had been very busy because so many people were dying.
- The woman who takes the scorpion paper weight uses it to hit a mugger with a knife on the head - and viewers are given the impression he died.
- When Patrick and Pippa return from holiday they watch a murder mystery on video. Later in the episode an elderly man murdered. Pippa momentarily considers if Victor might be the murderer.
- In an early episode Victor falls asleep outside and and wakes up in the fog and thinks he's died and gone to heaven.
- The yoga teacher dies.
- The 'haunted caravan' presumably was owned by someone who had died.
- Victor's fish died.
- The dog he thinks he's inheriting turns out to be stuffed.
- Victor's aunt (I think) dies and they inherit her cow.
- Victor's relative dies - the one who owns the big house with the spider.
I think he was called Mr Foskit. Or something like. Might not be quite right.
The scorpian paper weight ended up with the death of the mugger - nobody had been given the initial impression he had died.
Also, it never ceases to amaze me how I never recall Victor and Margaret's conversation about their child dying. How awfully dark.
I think this is what makes One Foot special and dark at the same time. Laughing in the face of fear - of death that is. Comedy is the perfect tonic to overcome sad times.
Quote: Tim Azure @ 9th November 2011, 9:39 AM
This probably happens all the time with older people.
Not confirmed.
Not really about death but the supernatural.
Plot device!
I think you're reading too much into this.
I think the zipping up of a corpse is often seen as death.
Your dismissal about it being about heaven and not death - surely the same thing. In fact, it is the same thing. No death = no appararent heaven.
Supernatural comment - that is everything to do with death.
Me thinks you gave the original poster a hard time and I score you 2/10 for pedantic skills. Must try harder.